Spaces Available for Upcoming Knox City-wide Yard Sale


You can still take part in the upcoming Knox city-wide yard sales even if you live outside the city limits. Booth spaces are still available for rent in the Moose Lodge parking lot across from the courthouse on Main Street. Sale dates are Thursday, May 5th through Saturday, May 7th. Space can be reserved for one, two, or three days for a donation of $10 for the first day and $5 for each additional day.
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Knox High School Principal Responds to Prom Dress Code Criticism


A dress code for those attending the Knox High School prom has been drawing criticism from some students and community members. Among the eight guidelines listed for girls’ clothing, are the requirements “Formal Long Dresses,” and “No cleavage, no flesh touching flesh.” Meanwhile, the dress code for boys simply states, “Tuxedos/Suits.” Continue reading

State Releases Bicentennial Route Details

Indiana BicentennialThe route is set for this fall’s Indiana Bicentennial Torch Relay. The event, patterned after the Olympic torch relay, will start in Corydon on Sept. 9 and travel more than 3,200 miles through all 92 counties. Corydon was chosen as the starting destination as it was Indiana’s original capitol.

More than 2,000 torchbearers will shepherd the flame through the state along a route designed to showcase Indiana’s natural beauty, local interest and historic significance to the state. Each county’s bicentennial committee solicited nominees to carry the torch. That list is being vetted at the state level now. Continue reading

Students In Class Today to Make Up for Weather Misses

CalendarStudents at a couple of area corporations are in class today to make up for days missed due to weather. This was an optional day for both Culver Community and North Judson-San Pierre Schools based on the calendars adopted for the 2015-16 school year. Both ended up using today as a make-up due to inclement weather.

Hog Farm Issue Dominates Hamlet Council Meeting

Hamlet Fall 5The Hamlet Town Board took action last night to draft a letter to the Starke County Plan Commission and the Starke County Board of Commissioners expressing its support of a county zoning ordinance, adopted last fall, providing the City of Knox and the Towns of North Judson and Hamlet with a two-mile buffer zone concerning such agricultural projects as the proposed 8,000-head hog raising project south of Hamlet. Continue reading