Knox City Hall to Close for Funeral

Ed Blue
Ed Blue

Knox City Hall will be closed for a few hours tomorrow so employees can attend the funeral of a longtime public servant.

Ed Blue, 74, of Knox, died Saturday. He served 16 years as a Knox City Councilman and was president for two of those years. Ed was a member of the Board of Public Works at the time of his death, having served as a member of that body for 15 years. He also served on the Starke County Environmental Management Solid Waste Board. Ed owned E&B Plumbing in Knox. Continue reading

Additional Repairs Needed for Grovertown Ambulance


The Starke County EMS ambulance based at Grovertown is down for repairs again. The county just spent $17,000 to have Jim Dobson Ford in Winamac install a new diesel motor in the 2009 Ford. EMS Director Keith Emigh told the county commissioners last night it was back on the road for two days when an oil leak was spotted. It was traced to a leaky valve cover and was repaired at no charge under the warranty. Continue reading

Courthouse Plans Developing, Cost Remains Factor

Pulaski County CourthouseThe Pulaski County Commissioners spent time reviewing proposed upgrades and renovations to the courthouse.

Plans have been several months in the works with engineering reviews and architectural considerations being made. Although the plan has not yet been green-lighted, Pulaski County has spent considerable time evaluating the problems facing the courthouse and some possible solutions.
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Starke County Election Board Sets Absentee Dates, Times


In-person absentee voting in Starke County in advance of the May 3rd primary election will begin April 5th and continue through May 2nd.

Polls will be open at the Starke County Courthouse each Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until noon and from 1 until 4 p.m. Voters must bring a photo identification with them to cast ballots in the second floor meeting room. Continue reading

West Central School Board Ponders Pre-K Addition

abc-blocksOfficials with the West Central School Corporation are looking into the feasibility of adding a pre-kindergarten program next fall. Superintendent Don Street says they will be gauging parent interest during the upcoming Kindergarten Round Up on Thursday, March 31st. The enrollment form asks parents whether their child is enrolled in either Head Start or the Medaryville preschool. Continue reading

Knox School Board Recognizes Speech Team’s Efforts

Knox-School-Board-2014The focus of last nights Knox School Board meeting was the school’s speech team. The Board’s “Spotlighht on Success” agenda item brought four students from Mrs. Kuric’s speech class: Andrew VanAsdall, Samuel Kuric, Colin Kulpa, and Libby McEntee to make impressive presentations. Libby will be competing at the state level on Saturday. The speech class currently has 11 active students. The local competition is judged by parents in early Saturday morning sessions. Continue reading

Investigation Leads to Drug Arrest

Melissa Howard MUG
Melissa Howard

A month long drug investigation by the Hamlet Police Department resulted in an arrest. Officers executed a search warrant at 302 W. Davis Street on Friday, according Hamlet Police Chief Frank Lonigro. About an hour beforehand an officer saw several people leave in a vehicle. That information was shared with the Knox Police Department and led to three arrests. Continue reading

Drug Investigation Leads to Three Arrests


A tip from another police department led to the Friday arrests of three people allegedly involved in manufacturing methamphetamine. Knox Police Chief Harold Smith says officers from his department and the Starke County Sheriff’s Office found a meth lab inside a residence in the 200 block of West Lake Street in Knox. Continue reading

Zika Virus Prompts Spring Break Travel Warning

zika virusSpring Break is the time of the year when people often head to warm, tropical places for vacation. But this year, pregnant women and their partners might want to rethink that, in light of health warnings about the Zika virus. It continues to spread in places like Brazil, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. Dr. Jen Brown with the Indiana State Department of Health says although a state resident was diagnosed with Zika last month, she doesn’t expect a widespread outbreak here. Continue reading