N.J.-S.P. Board to Consider “Right Sizing”

NJ-SP School Board 2015-2016The North Judson-San Pierre School Board will consider framework for “right sizing” the corporation when they meet this evening. That’s according to the advance agenda for their 7 p.m. meeting at the corporation office. Enrollment at N.J.-S.P. has declined significantly over the past decade. So have state funds allocated to rural school districts. Voters who live within the North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation overwhelmingly rejected a general fund referendum last fall. Continue reading

You Cut, You Haul Firewood Available at State Park


Certain downed, dead trees at Tippecanoe River State Park are available for public cutting and removal through mid-March.

Park staff are dropping hazardous trees and those damaged by the emerald ash borer (EAB) insect and placing them where the public can come in, cut them up and haul them away for use as firewood. The park is charging $10 per pickup load, and all proceeds will be used to enhance the natural areas of Tippecanoe River State Park. Continue reading

North Judson Kiwanis Club Raising Money for Riley


A local civic organization is encouraging community members to “give up a little so we can give a lot” to Riley Children’s Hospital. Dave Altman with the North Judson Kiwanis Club says the fundraiser coincides with Lent, although that wasn’t the original intention. The idea is to give up something like a donut, Paczki, can of pop or meal out for 40 days and donate the money you would spend on it to the Kiwanis Club for their Riley Children’s Hospital fundraiser. It started two weeks ago and wraps up March 13th. Continue reading