David Howe Sentenced on a Charge of Manufacturing Methamphetamine

An Argos man was sentenced in Marshall County Superior Court 1 Friday on a charge of Manufacturing Methamphetamine.

As part of a plea agreement between 44-year-old David E. Howe, 44 and the state that was approved by Judge Robert O. Bowen, Howe was sentenced to 10 years in the Indiana Department of Corrections with four years suspended. Four years were suspended due to Howe’s prior clean record, a positive community life before methamphetamine, his willingness to take immediate responsibility for his actions, and remorse. Howe will be given priority entry into intensive drug treatment while incarcerated. If he successfully completes the treatment, he may petition the court for a modification of his sentence.

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Plymouth Man Arrested After Pursuit With Infant in the Car

Plymouth police officers pursued a vehicle into Starke County Sunday night after the driver failed to stop with an infant in the car.

Anthony Porter, Jr., 27 of Plymouth, was driving west on Hoham Drive in Plymouth when the officer attempted to stop him. A pursuit ensued after Porter refused to stop. The officer pursued the vehicle traveled west on 6B Road in Starke County.

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Highway Superintendent Gets Blessing to Hire Part-Time Mowing Help

Starke County Highway Superintendent Stephen "Rik" Ritzler
Starke County Highway Superintendent Stephen “Rik” Ritzler

Starke County Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler can use funds in his budget to hire up to three part-time seasonal employees to keep up with right-of-way mowing. They will only work as needed and will not exceed the 130 hours per month limit the county has placed on part-time help in order to comply with the federal Affordable Care Act. The council also granted final approval to purchase of three additional trucks for the county highway department based on Ritzler’s recommendations. He presented detailed quotes from four vendors for five different chassis as well as two bed and body prices. Former county highway employee Richard Budka questioned the process, specifically the legality of obtaining quotes instead of sealed bids for the work. After the meeting county attorney Marty Lucas explained that sealed bids are only necessary for public infrastructure projects such as roads and other types of construction. He said in the case of vehicle purchases, quotes are standard as long as each vendor is given the same set of specifications on which to base his price. Copies of the quotes are available for review at the auditor’s office during business hours.

Pulaski Commissioners Review Bridge Inspections

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Vice President Terry Young, and President Tracey Shorter
The bridge inspections for Pulaski County have been completed. According to Jeff Larrison and Matt Lee of United Consulting, 73 routine bridge inspections have been completed this year and the pair presented the report to the county commissioners at their meeting Monday night.

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Marshall County Commissioners Approve Part-Time Hours Ordinance

The Marshall County Commissioners approved an ordinance Monday morning that pertains to the part-time hours in the personnel policy.

The ordinance limits the hours for part-time employees to 56 hours per pay period. If an employee works over 30 hours per week in a six-month period, the department head can come before the commissioners and request that employee receive insurance benefits. There are only 10 employees that could face that option and most of them work at the sheriff’s department.

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Medaryville Council to Discuss Mowing Ordinance

The Medaryville Town Council has a hot topic on their agenda this week as they plan to discuss the town’s mowing ordinance. The ordinance currently requires property owners to maintain their properties and ensure their weeds and grass are cut below five inches for the remainder of the season. The ordinance is enforced, and while it brought some uproar in the beginning, town council member Derrick Stalbaum said the ordinance just common sense.

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LaPorte Man Arrested on Domestic Battery Charges

A LaPorte man was arrested after police responded to a domestic abuse report in LaPorte on Sunday. At approximately 11:33 a.m., police visited the residence to investigate a citizen’s report of a man battering a woman at the home, and as they walked up to the residence, they could hear yelling inside and saw a small child appear in the window who appeared upset and was crying.

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Van Stolen After Man Brings Woman Home From Party

police badge
A man got more than he bargained for this weekend after he met a black female at a party in South Bend and decided to bring her back to La Porte to “spend more time together,” according to his statement to police. On Saturday, June 15 around 3:05 a.m., police received a call that a van had been stolen and quickly responded to the home where they spoke with the complainant.

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Test Scores Show Growth in Knox Elementary, Middle Schools


The NWEA scores showed gains at the Knox Community Elementary School and at the Knox Middle School.

Elementary Principal Glenn Barnes showed the board the statistics from the reading and math tests from the beginning of the year through the May test. Students in 4th grade showed the slowest scores in growth and Barnes assured the Knox Community School Board that the staff will target areas to help students improve the scores.

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Hoosiers Support Immigration Reform, Study Says


About 100 immigration reform supporters took to the streets in Indianapolis as they marched from the Statehouse to Monument Circle, urging lawmakers to back legislation allowing undocumented immigrants in the United States to seek citizenship. A new poll shows that 69 percent of Hoosiers support the immigration reform package that had been drafted by the “Gang of Eight” in the Senate.

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Starke County Man Arrested after Pursuit


A Starke County man was arrested after a pursuit incident that spanned two counties.

Early this morning, a Starke County detective was patrolling around 1100 East and 700 North just north of Koontz Lake when he recognized the driver of a black pickup as Julius Novitzke. Novitzke was known to be wanted on an active Starke County Circuit Court Warrant for Possession of Methamphetamine.

A traffic stop was attempted but Novitzke failed to stop.

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Vertical Borings to Be Installed in Starke County Landfill

The Starke County Commissioners accepted a contract on Thursday to move forward with a solution at the county landfill, which is exuding methane around the perimeter, much to IDEM’s displeasure. The commissioners spoke with Mike Maxwell from Weaver Boos Consultants, who explained that their best bet is to install vertical borings – essentially chimneys – in the landfill to help vent the gas vertically.

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Berg Continues Work on Establishing Monterey Christian School

Monterey Elementary School
Monterey Elementary School
Eugene Berg of Monterey has been making the rounds, traveling around the community making presentations to churches and other organizations. Berg said he recently made a presentation at the Methodist church in Monterey on Wednesday evening as he makes his case for starting a Christian school in Monterey. Berg is trying to garner support for the school, and he said he hopes to use the now-abandoned elementary school in Monterey that has been out of use for two years.

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Marshall County Commissioners Have Full Agenda

The Marshall County Commissioners have a lot on their plate this morning as several items are listed on their agenda.

One of those items is an ordinance amendment concerning part-time hours in the personnel policy. The change reflects action taken to avoid running part-time workers logging more than 30 hours a week on a regular basis thus being eligible for insurance benefits as laid out in the Affordable Care Act.

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Movie to be Filmed in Culver This Summer

A movie entitled “Little Savages” is expected to be filmed in Culver this summer.

According to an article by Jeff Kenney with the Culver Citizen, the movie plot involves children by the name of Savage who befriend two outsiders. They go on a mission to find hidden treasure somewhere in the town of Culver. Their quest is interrupted by bullies who are looking for the same treasure. Who will be the winner in this adventure?

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