Culver Schedules Kindergarten Roundup

Culver Elementary SchoolParents of prospective kindergarten students are invited to the Culver Community School Corporation kindergarten round-up event next week.

It’s scheduled Tuesday, April 25 at 6 p.m. ET in the Culver Elementary School cafeteria. Youngsters must turn 5 on or before Aug. 1, 2013 in order to be eligible to start school in the fall. Children do not need to attend this meeting with their parents, as this is merely an informational session. School officials do stress that the early registration is essential in the planning for next year’s kindergarten program.

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Starke County Youth Club Radiothon May 3

The Starke County Youth Club Radiothon on K99.3 WKVI will be held Friday, May 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CT.

Members of the youth club will on the radio live asking you to help support the organization that assists 600 children at the Knox, Oregon-Davis and North Judson-San Pierre schools in Starke County. The youth club provides a safe environment for your child after school and maintains dozens of academic enrichment centers. Tutoring and homework help is offered which means success for your child.

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History of Chocolate Given at Henry F. Schricker Public Library


It was all about chocolate yesterday at the Henry F. Schricker Public Library in Knox. Savannah Gohr, of Dove Chocolatiers, presented the program where she explained the history of chocolate.

“It actually started with the Mayans,” Gohr explained. “They were the ones that harvested and roasted the cacao seeds. They ground the seeds into a paste and mixed it with water to create the first chocolate drink and it sort of went from there.”

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Plans Formulating for Yellowstone Trail Fest

Yellowstone Trail

Organizers for the Yellowstone Trail Festival in Hamlet in August are getting things ready for the big event.

Bands have been contacted for entertainment and new events will be held including a corn hole tournament, Red Cross Citizens CPR and the appearance of the Emergency Response Vehicle and the blood mobile. More contests that will be featured include tug-of-war, pie eating, arm wrestling and more. The car show will be returning as well as the town-wide yard sales. A fashion show and pageant, a mounted gunrunners demo, a trail ride, karaoke contest and more are also planned.

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Pillowcase Ladies Plan Weekend Sewing Event

Riley Children's Hospital logo

Join the Pillowcase Ladies on Saturday as they put their sewing skills to use for a good cause.

They will be making colorful pillowcases for young patients at Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis at Just Plain Annie’s Quilt Shop in Winamac, starting at 9 a.m. EDT. The shop is located across from Pulaski Memorial Hospital on State Road 14 E. Bring your sewing machine and enjoy a day of fun and fellowship. Even if you can’t sew, you can still help out by pinning, trimming and ironing.

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Shakespeare Play to be Presented to Starke County Students

William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare

465 Starke County students will be watching a Shakespeare play today at the North Judson-San Pierre High School Auditorium.

For the past several years, the Starke County Community Foundation and the Tri Kappa organizations have awarded grant money in order for the Navy Pier traveling Shakespeare actors to present a production to the students. William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” will take the stage today at noon. This is a way for the students to view a professional Broadway production without having to fund it themselves or leave the county.

Tri Kappa and the Starke County Community Foundation provided over $4,000 toward the event.

Iota Xi Annoucnes Celebrating the Arts Winners

Celebrating the ArtsIota Xi, Winamac’s chapter of Psi Iota Xi Sorority, hosted “Celebrating the Arts” on April 6, 2013. The art exhibition and contest had nearly 100 entries – thanks to all young artists who submitted pieces from Eastern Pulaski Elementary School, Eastern Pulaski High School, Caston Middle School, West Central Elementary School and West Central High School. Our community is truly enriched by your talent! Continue reading

Starke County Council Opts to Wait on Wheel Tax

Starke County Courthouse
Starke County Courthouse

The Starke County Council is waiting to see if a mandatory wheel tax proposal gains traction in the state Senate before voting to implement one locally.

The state Senate is pushing a plan that would require all 92 Indiana counties to implement an excise tax on annual vehicle registrations in order to get their full share of road money. Currently only 45 counties have such a tax on the books. St. Joseph is the only county adjacent to Starke that collects the tax. House members have backed away from the controversial proposal.

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Marshall County Commissioners Approve GIS Data Request

Culver Town Manager, David Schoeff, went before the Marshall County Commissioners Monday morning to request the use of GIS data in the Town of Culver’s compilation of a comprehensive plan.

Houseal-Lavigne of Chicago is working with the town to develop the plan and the data needed includes parcel information. GIS data for the parcels inside town limits and the two-mile jurisdiction are requested along with some county data.

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National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week Showcases Dispatchers

Pulaski County Sheriff's Department
Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department

When you have an emergency and call 911, the first person you talk to is an emergency dispatcher. This week we are saluting all of those who assist the public in the case of an emergency and who can communicate to all personnel in the case of an emergency. It’s National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week.

Pulaski County Sheriff Michael Gayer said the dispatchers are the most important people in an emergency situation.

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Starke County Commissioners Authorize Fuel Purchase Leeway

Starke County Co-OpStarke County Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler has some flexibility to purchase fuel from local vendors if the price is right.

Ken Wagner from the Starke County Co-Op pointedly asked the county commissioners what it will take for him to successfully bid to offer the county fuel. He notes that his last bid was within 1/10th of a cent of Winamac-based Good Oil’s cost, yet the county bought the fuel from them. That came out to a total savings of $9.

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LaPorte Police Department Investigating Vehicle Vandalism

LaPorte Police DepartmentThe LaPorte Police Department is investigating a weekend vandalism incident at a local car lot.

A red 2012 Ford F-150 truck parked on the lot at Pine Ford sustained an estimated $5,000 damage to the interior and exterior sometime overnight Saturday.

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call the LaPorte Police Department at 219-362-9446, or at to submit a crime tip. You can remain anonymous while providing important information to help make the community safer.

Deep Study at Lake Maxinkuckee Postponed

Lake Maxinkuckee beach in Culver
Lake Maxinkuckee beach in Culver

A deep study to determine the amount of nutrients, algae and other elements in Lake Maxinkuckee in Culver, and its history, has been postponed to May 13-15.

The U.S. Geological Survey out of Kansas will conduct the study which the Lake Maxinkuckee Environmental Council (LMEC) predicts will make officials better understand how much change the lake has undergone since its last deep study done in 1984. One issue the scientists will be looking at is the amount of phosphorous in the lake.

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Spirit of Enterprise Award Given to Indiana Senators

Thomas J. Donohue presents Senator Coats with the award
Thomas J. Donohue presents Senator Coats with the award

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Tuesday presented Senator Joe Donnelly and Senator Dan Coats of Indiana with the annual Spirit of Enterprise Award for their support of pro-jobs, pro-growth policies during the second session of the 112th Congress.

President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber, Thomas J. Donohue, said Senator Donnelly has provided America’s job creators with a strong voice in Congress. He also commended Senator Coats for his support of pro-business issues during the second session of the 112th Congress. Continue reading

Citizen Foils Shoplifting Attempt

police investigation 2

Police in LaPorte are looking for two would-be shoplifters whose attempt to steal a scanner from a Radio Shack store was foiled by an alert citizen.

Store employees say two white men in dark clothing came into the store just after 5 p.m. Saturday, and one asked to see a police scanner. He asked a few questions and then walked toward the door with it in his hand. A store employee tried to grab him, but he kept going. However, police say a citizen who was walking up to the store grabbed the scanner from the suspect’s hands. The would-be shoplifters fled on foot through the alley.

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Plymouth Native Plays Carnegie Hall

Denver Bierman
Denver Bierman

Denver and the Mile High Orchestra recently performed at the famed Carnegie Hall.

Denver Bierman, a native of Plymouth, had always wanted to play at Carnegie Hall, but thought it would only remain as a dream of his. His dream came true last week when he performed with his band along with Dino, Sandy Patty, Larnell Harris, the Philadelphia Boys Choir, the Manhattan Pops Orchestra, and singers Daniel Rodriguez and Robert Stearns.

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