Starke County Council Discusses Innkeeper’s Tax, CVC

The Starke County Council this week heard from the Convention and Visitors Commission as they discussed the goals of the organizations. Council President Dave Pearman explained that the council and commissioners felt that there have been a lot of unknowns with the commission, such as an unsurety toward their mission, and unsure how their funds are being handled. He said they need to ensure funds are being used correctly and not going missing, but he emphasized that both boards recognized there is a value to the organization if they can get these issues sorted out.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Hear CDC Update

Pulaski County Commissioners Tracey Shorter, Kenneth Boswell, Michael Tiede

Nathan Origer, executive director of the Pulaski County Community Development Commission, gave the county commissioners an update on his efforts to bring new business to Pulaski County.

Origer explained that he is currently speaking with an Illinois business that may be interested in moving to the area, but he said they are trying to find a suitable property. He said he is trying to get the county to become more aggressive and proactive with enticing businesses to move to the county, and it seems their efforts are paying off. The Francesville area, Origer explained, has at least two cabinet makers that have set up shop, and T&S Recycling is working on getting their own building up to shape.

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Two Sentenced in Starke Circuit Court in Battery Case

Two teenagers were sentenced in Starke Circuit Court yesterday for their involvement in a battery incident in May that left a man unconscious at times.

Daily James Potter and Jamal Green pleaded guilty to a charge of Theft in an incident where Potter and Green, plus two adult suspects John Potter and Brenan Sanchez, allegedly beat and kicked a Monterey man. Daily James Potter and Jamal Green stated in court that they were not involved in the battery but rather the theft of $400 in cash, a knife and prescription medication. They reached into the victim’s pockets, after he was on the ground after being battered, and took the money and a weekly pill container that contained several prescription medications.

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Oregon-Davis Schools Adopts Lower Tax Rate Than Expected

Oregon-Davis School Superintendent Dr. Steve Disney

The Oregon-Davis School Board adopted the 2013 budget at their meeting earlier this month, which Superintendent Dr. Steve Disney says is healthy.

“Nothing changed based upon the budget hearing,” said Disney. “At this point in time, we will work with the Department of Local Government Finance which will review the budget. We would hope to find out about our adopted budget sometime late December, early January.”

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Pulaski Co. Youth Organizations to Trick-or-Treat for Food Pantry

The Pulaski County Junior Leaders and the Winamac Community High School Sunshine Society will be doing a different kind of trick-or-treating on Thursday, Oct. 25.

Members of both organizations will be trick-or-treating for canned goods for the Pulaski County Food Pantry. They will be traveling around the Winamac, Francesville and Medaryville communities picking up canned food items from residents between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. ET, so leave your items outside on the step if you wish or you can give your donation to the volunteers when they come to the door.

If you know you will not be home that night and would like to donate, you may drop off your canned goods at the Pulaski County Extension Office by Oct. 26.

Last year, over 1,000 pounds of food were donated to the Pulaski County Human Services food pantry.

Washington Twp. Board Holding Two Public Meetings This Month

The Washington Township Board will hold a public meeting tomorrow at 2 p.m. CT at the Washington Township Fire Station.

Trustee Shelly Kemble commented that the board will be discussing the 2010 and 2011 Audit Report, plus the 2013 budget along with the logging of woods east of the old elementary school and other items.

All residents are encouraged to attend to ask questions and voice concerns.

Another meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 30 at the Washington Township Community Building at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the same items.

Meet and Greet Events Planned For Rep. Dermody in Starke County

State Representative Tom Dermody

Two Meet and Greet events have been planned in Starke County by the campaign for State Representative Tom Dermody. The events will allow Starke County voters the chance to meet Dermody and ask him questions regarding the upcoming election.

Dermody said they are very excited about the momentum their campaign is gaining in Starke County, and they look forward to the chance to hear directly from the voters at these upcoming events.

The first event will take place at the Starke County Republican Headquarters from 4–6 p.m. CT on Friday, Oct. 19. The second event will take place at the Knox Library from 6–7 p.m. CT on Monday, Oct. 22.

Gas Prices Down, Refineries Beginning Winter Blend

The statewide gas price average for self-serve regular unleaded gasoline is at $3.58, the lowest it has been since July 31. The national average is $3.74 which is 27 cents higher than it was one year ago today.

The conclusion of the summer driving season and steadily decreasing daylight hours have contributed to an overall decrease in gasoline demand throughout the U.S. during the last several weeks which is normal this time of the year.

Refineries have started to transition away from the summer blend of gasoline which is more expensive to produce than other variations used throughout the rest of the year.

California has the most expensive prices right now at $4.55 while drivers in Missouri can find the cheapest gasoline price at $3.45.

Public Comments to be Heard Today Concerning Operating Hours at Hamlet Post Office

A meeting will be held today at the Hamlet Town Hall to gather public comment on the United States Postal Service’s POST plan. The POST plan is a review process of certain Post Offices which includes the Hamlet facility.

Officials are getting comments on how to help determine the best course of action for providing postal service to the residents of Hamlet.  Continue reading

Starke County Council Discusses Levy Growth Options

David Pearman

The Starke County Council this week discussed a number of options available to grow the county’s levy, specifically three options regarding income tax and property tax.

Council President Dave Pearman explained that the state froze levy growth for the majority of Hoosier counties back in the 1970’s, and several counties are now wondering how to go about unfreezing that growth. He explained that the levy was frozen to prevent counties from extending their levy growth beyond the means of their local growth – essentially spending beyond their means.

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Pulaski Commissioners Explain Their Choice in Masonry Work Bid

Pulaski County Commissioners Tracey Shorter, Kenneth Boswell, Michael Tiede

The Pulaski County Commissioners this week explained their reasoning behind choosing a bid that was more than twice the cost of another bid for masonry repairs in the courthouse tower. David Zeltwanger, owner of DK and Sons, LLC, asked the commissioners to explain why they chose a $16,828.75 bid over his bid of just $7450.

Commissioner Ken Boswell explained that the winning bidder, Kuiper Masonry, was chosen partly because Jim Kuiper, its president, attended the commissioners meeting on Feb. 20 and toured the tower with the commissioners, explaining the work that would be done. Boswell said they appreciate the time it took out of the vendor’s day to explain the process step-by-step.

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Monsanto to Present O-D Schools with $10,000 Check

Oregon-Davis School Superintendent Dr. Steve Disney

The Monsanto Company will be at the Oregon-Davis Schools this morning to present the school with a grant check for $10,000. Superintendent Dr. Steve Disney said this was a tremendous effort by two teachers.

“This is terrific,” said Dr. Disney. “I think it’s a reflection of two dedicated professional teachers. Mr. Jacob Riley, our Agriculture teacher, and Mrs. Debbie Awald, our Biology teacher, approached me last spring with an idea to put together and apply for a regional Monsanto grant. I think we were one of ten school corporations within the whole Midwest area that received this.”

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North Judson Updating Cemetery Rules, Regulations, Enforcement

North Judson Town Board

The town of North Judson is continuing their efforts to update the rules and regulations for town cemeteries, having passed the first and second readings of an ordinance updating those policies. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry explained the board will hold the third reading of the ordinance at their next meeting on Nov. 5, and the policy changes will take effect around Nov. 15.

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Culver Schools Adopt RISE Evaluation Model

Culver Community School Superintendent, Brad Schuldt

The Culver Community School Board at their meeting this week heard a presentation from High School Dean of Students Brett Berndt and Elementary Principal Chuck Kitchell regarding the adoption of the RISE evaluation model. Superintendent Brad Schuldt explained that the board decided to formally approve the use of RISE to comply with state laws passed last year regarding teacher evaluations.

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North Judson School Board Approves Purchase of Three Buses

North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Lynn Johnson

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board approved a motion this week to advertise for the purchase of three new school buses. The bids will be opened in December and they will be delivered in the summer.

The board also learned that students involved in the FFA program will be attending the National Convention next week in Indianapolis. Superintendent Lynn Johnson said the organization has grown to 40 members which is the largest it’s been in several years.

Johnson said the next school board meeting on Nov. 20 will feature a representative from AdvancED who will be discussing the corporation-wide accreditation process. The individual schools were accredited in the past and now the entire corporation will go through the process as a whole. If the corporation passes, the accreditation will be good for five years. The process is part of a school improvement initiative.

Pulaski County Sheriff’s Dept. Gearing Up For Shop With a Cop

Pulaski County Sheriff's Department

The Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department is beginning to gather collections for the Shop with a Cop program this Christmas.

The staff will provide clothing and toys during the Christmas season to the families in need. An account for the Shop with a Cop campaign has been established at the Alliance Bank located in Francesville and Winamac. When donating to the account, ask for Shop with a Cop.

Pulaski County Sheriff Michael Gayer encourages all clubs, individuals or companies that can spare a little to do so to allow others less fortunate to enjoy “the true spirit of the season.”

INDOT Prepping for Winter Season

There were a few snow plows seen on the area highways this week. Officials at the Indiana Department of Transportation have confirmed that they are prepping for the winter season.

Matt Deitchley from INDOT said that the workers at the Winamac sub-district have been doing inspections and training this week. They are making sure all of the snow plow drivers and equipment are ready for the new season. Road salt deliveries will be made in the next few days all across the district.

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