The Starke County Commissioners will be meeting at 4:30 this afternoon to review health insurance plans. The three members have divided 5 quotes from various agents for review. The bidders are: Key Healthy Partners, First Source Insurance, Teachers Credit Union, The Healy Group and First Choice Insurance Services. After comparing cost and coverage the members will meet in an open meeting to select the company that will be the health insurance provider.
St. Vincent de Paul Society in North Judson Assists 401 Residents This Year
The St. Vincent de Paul Society of SS Cyril and Methodius Conference, has helped 401 persons in 2010 at a cost of $9,672.82. The Society serves persons in the North Judson – San Pierre area who have a need. Either financially or spiritually.
Society members provide information about services available to them and often help them through a financial crisis.
There are twenty-five members of the local society; Mary Kay Powell is President; Rich Akers, Vice President; Peg Okley, Treasurer; Joan Haugh, Secretary.
For rnore nnforrnauon on how you can help the Soclety with financial donations, please call the cell phone for St. Vincent de Paul Society, (574) 249-0162
Oregon-Davis National Honor Society is Collecting Food to Provide Thanksgiving Meals for Needy Families
November 15th-19th is Hunger Awareness week and the Oregon-Davis Jr/Sr High School National Honor Society is sponsoring a food drive to help local food banks. They are asking for food to help provide Thanksgiving meals for needy families and non-perishable items for the local food banks. Canned corn, canned green beans, stuffing mix, potatoes, sweet potatoes, noodles, boxed crackers, cord bread mix, bread, canned pumpkin, canned cranberries and juice are some of the items needed to help families enjoy their Thanksgiving meals. Monetary donations will be used to purchase a turkey and other perishable items.
North Judson Town Board Approves Grant Match for Railroad Grant Application
The Hoosier Valley Railroad Secretary, Mark Knebel, attended the recent North Judson Town Board meeting where he informed the Board that the 2011 grant applications have opened and they will be applying for a $235,000 grant. The
grant match is 41% which is $96,350. Co-Alliance and the Chesapeake and Indiana Railroad have agreed to pay half of the match if the town could pick up the other half which is $48,175. The Board agreed to pay that amount. The railroad staff hopes to complete more upgrades if awarded this grant.
Eastern Pulaski School Board Approves Recommendation to Replace Two Utility Buses
The Eastern Pulaski School Transportation Department met with the Transportation Committee to discuss needs of the Department. Superintendent, Dr. Robert Klitzman, gives the details of the Committee’s recommendation that the Board approved.
“We would trade an one of our regular school buses for a new school bus and trade in two of our white utility buses. These are our 14 passenger buses that so many schools use for extra curricular activities.” said Dr. Klitzman. “We have two that We purchased in 2000 and the wear and tear and miles are to the point where we feel that we do need to replace them. We are going to advertise to replace two of our utility buses.”
Starke County Commissioners to Discuss the Creation of an Open Burn Ban Ordinance
The Starke County Commissioners are expected to discuss the creation of an open burn ordinance at its meeting tonight.
EMA Director, Ted Bombaghetti, told WKVI that while the County’s burn ban was in effect, information was received that a lot of people were illegally burning garbage, construction materials and tires. The Commissioners want to enact an ordinance that will ban that type of burning activity and impose fines if the ordinance is violated. The Commissioners feel that a local, county-wide burn ban will help curb that type of burning instead of waiting for action from the State.