Policies regarding suicide prevention, school attendance, and the distribution of Teacher Appreciation Grants were among those updated by the Knox School Board last week. Superintendent Dr. William Reichhart explained last month that the student suicide awareness and prevention policy seeks to raise awareness among teachers and students.
Knox City Council Votes to Establish Ordinance Defining the Official Duties of Council Members
Knox City Council members voted to move forward with establishing an ordinance that would define the official duties of city council members when they met last week.
Up until now, the duties of a council member have been implied but unspecified. This proposed ordinance would establish expectations and responsibilities for council members, including things such as attendance and constituent representation. Continue reading
NJSP Elementary School Principal Speaks Highly of Successful Attendance Initiatives
At Tuesday night’s North Judson-San Pierre School Board meeting, Elementary School Principal Julie Berndt informed school board members about a few initiatives that are positively impacting the attendance records of her students.
Principal Berndt talked about the “Attendance Champions” program where each teacher’s attendance percentage is posted every month. The class with the highest number gets announced and receives a bag of candy, a temporary trophy for their class room and bragging rights. She said so far it has been a pretty competitive and successful initiative. In November, there weren’t any classes that reported less than 91 percent attendance. Continue reading