An ongoing saga at the Starke County Forest was recently brought to the attention of Park Board President Richard Ballard. “The beavers are back,” Ballard told the rest of the Starke County Park Board Tuesday. “I don’t know exactly what that means for us, but he said the beavers are back.”
Continue readingTimber Sale Planned for Starke County Forest
The Starke County Forest is about ready for a timber sale. Forester Bruce Wakeland told the County Park Board Tuesday that a 13-acre portion has exceeded what he considers to be the best density level, and up to 20 percent of the trees should be cut down.
Improvements Planned to Starke County Forest Access Lanes
As the Starke County Forest’s drainage issues are being resolved, Forester Bruce Wakeland is turning his attention to improving access throughout the property. He told the Starke County Park Board Tuesday that he’s been taking with Surveyor Bill Crase about building up the access lane to prevent it from washing out. Wakeland said Crase has sand available, but funding is needed to transport it to the forest. Continue reading
Beavers Removed from Starke County Forest to Solve Drainage Issues
Beavers have been removed from the Starke County Forest, in an attempt to improve drainage in the area. Starke County Park Board President Debbie Mix says the removal is complete, and the board approved the bill for the work Tuesday. Continue reading
Beaver Relocation Planned to Solve Drainage Issues Near Starke County Forest
Beavers in the Starke County Forest may soon be relocated, in an effort to solve drainage issues in the area. For the past several months, a neighboring landowner has been blaming beaver dams in the forest for flooding, but Forester Bruce Wakeland has disputed those claims. Continue reading
Starke County Forest Drainage Complaints Continue
The Starke County Forest continues drawing complaints about drainage issues. Continue reading
Starke County Park Board to Discuss Bass Lake Beach Upgrades, Five-Year Plan
Ongoing improvements at the Bass Lake Beach and Campground will be discussed during this evening’s Starke County Park Board meeting. Lessee Richard Callahan and his attorney Dave Wallsmith are expected to give board members an update on the site’s progress. Continue reading
Beaver Tube Installed to Improve Drainage at Starke County Forest
The Starke County Park Board hopes that drainage issues at the County Forest have been resolved. During Tuesday’s meeting, it was reported that a “beaver tube” that the board previously approved has now been purchased and installed. Continue reading
Park Board Updates Progress on Starke Forest Drainage Issue
The Starke County Park Board is providing an update on drainage issues in the Starke County Forest.
The greenspace and public access area has been a consistent point of discussion for the Park Board due to what county officials say is a back-up of water due to beaver activity in the forest.
Drainage Issues Linger with Culvert Construction Behind Schedule
Beavers are not the problem.
That’s according to the manager of the Starke County Forest Bruce Wakeland. He appeared before the County’s Park Board on Tuesday due to additional drainage complaints submitted to the Starke County Surveyor’s office and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
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Surveyor Says Drainage Board Maintains Jurisdiction Over Starke County Forest Issue
The Starke County Surveyor says he will not be responding to a letter asking that a Drainage Board decision be halted for further consideration.
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