Blood and Platelet Shortage Has Reached a Critical Level, Donors Needed

Recent severe weather conditions have resulted in multiple blood drive cancellations, causing the Red Cross to declare that the blood and platelet shortage has reached a critical level.

According to a press release from the organization, no matter the weather is like, every day the Red Cross has to collect more than 13,000 blood and platelet donations to help meet the needs of patients. Due to the winter weather conditions in January, more than 550 blood drives were forced to cancel causing over 16,500 blood and platelet donations to go uncollected.

Red Cross Communications Manager Rodney Wilson said currently, blood and platelet donations are being distributed to hospitals faster than they’re coming in. Continue reading

Upcoming Local Red Cross Blood Drives

The Red Cross is always in need of blood donations. However, in the aftermath of the recent natural disasters that have impacted different portions of the country, it is vital to have a wide variety of blood types from a plethora of donors.

Some blood types are unique to certain racial and ethnic groups, so having an assorted blood supply is important to meet the medical needs of an increasingly diverse patient population. Red Cross reports that patients are less likely to experience complications from blood donated by someone of a similar ethnicity. Some local blood donation opportunities are coming up during the month of October. Continue reading

WKVI Blood Drive Scheduled for Next Week- Roll Up Your Sleeve for Those In Need


Here at the WKVI, we’re doing our part to prevent a summer blood donation shortage by hosting a blood drive on Monday, August 3. You can potentially save three lives with just one blood donation if you come down to 400 W. Culver Rd to participate. Not only will you walk away with a feeling of accomplishment after providing assistance but you will also receive a free American Red Cross baseball cap. Continue reading