IU Health Respiratory Therapist Discusses COPD Symptoms, Treatment

IU HealthChronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is one of the leading health conditions in Starke County. IU Health Starke Hospital Respiratory Therapist Brittany Ward says smoking is the biggest contributing factor, but environmental and occupational triggers can also cause COPD. It has two components — chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Patients can have one or both. Ward says emphysema is more common in smokers.  Continue reading

Great American Smoke Out Urged Americans to Drop the Habit

The American Cancer Society’s 38th Great American Smoke Out was held yesterday, when Starke County residents were encouraged to drop the habit in celebration of the event. Brittany Ward, a respiratory therapist at IU Health Starke Hospital, said even though the event is over, now is still the perfect time to quit.

“According to the American Cancer Society, the Great American Smoke Out is held on the third Thursday in November. During this day, smokers across the nation make a plan to quit or plan in advance to quit smoking today. It challenges people to stop using tobacco and makes people aware of the many tools and resources they can use to quit for good,” Ward said.

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