Ongoing improvements at the Bass Lake Beach and Campground will be discussed during this evening’s Starke County Park Board meeting. Lessee Richard Callahan and his attorney Dave Wallsmith are expected to give board members an update on the site’s progress. Continue reading
Beaver Tube Installed to Improve Drainage at Starke County Forest
The Starke County Park Board hopes that drainage issues at the County Forest have been resolved. During Tuesday’s meeting, it was reported that a “beaver tube” that the board previously approved has now been purchased and installed. Continue reading
Guided Starke County Forest Tours Scheduled Saturday
Enjoy a guided tour of the Starke County Forest on Saturday, Oct. 17. This is the first time since 2011, when forester Bruce Wakeland donated the 129-acres of land near the Starke/Marshall County line to the county in the form of a trust, that he’s showing members of the public around the property. Continue reading
Starke County Commissioners Defer Drainage Decision
The Starke County Commissioners have agreed to wait until after next week’s park board meeting to make a decision about drainage issues in the Starke County Forest. Continued beaver dam activity along the Anderson Ditch is causing drainage problems for neighboring landowners. Several sent a petition to Starke County Surveyor Dennis Estok and to the DNR requesting a solution to the problem. Continue reading
Park Board Wants Plan for Bass Lake Beach and Campground Improvements
The Starke County Park Board last night voted to draft a letter to the current lessee of the Beach and Campground at Bass Lake setting forth certain repairs and maintenance to safety and health hazards that must be completed within 30 days. The letter will also set forth that a plan of repair and replacement be developed and established for other equipment and buildings. Continue reading
Marshall County Drainage Board Approves Assessment Fee Increases
The Marshall County Drainage Board held two public hearings yesterday concerning an increase in needs assessment fees.
In both instances, the board was faced with plenty opposition to the increase in fees and heard from several residents, along with Starke County Forester Bruce Wakeland, who claim their property doesn’t include the ditches in the watersheds mentioned in the published documents.
Starke Commissioners Approve Sale of Timber from County Forest
The Starke County Commissioners Monday night discussed the Starke County Forest and a request from Forester Bruce Wakeland to sell timber from the forest in an area he had previously set aside for white pine.
Wakeland had donated a piece of property, 129 acres, to the county that he currently manages to be used as a county forest. The forest, on State Road 8, pays its bills by selling timber instead of using county funds and gate fees. Wakeland said the forest has trails and other attractions that the public is welcome to check out, and he said the forest has been seeing its fair share of visitors.
Starke County Forest Opens to Public This Saturday
The Starke County Forest, on Division Road between 1025 E. and 1100 E., will be open to the public beginning Saturday, July 23rd. The property was donated to Starke County for bird watching, hiking, cross country skiing and a chance for all to learn about nature.
Forester Bruce Wakeland says that there are five miles of trails leading through woodlands, meadows, tree plantings, and up to ponds. An observation tower will be open for you to look over an 18 acre marsh.
Forestry Discussion Tomorrow at Country Kettle Restaurant
The Arrow Head Country RC&D Forestry Committee and Forester Bruce Wakeland invite you to the Country Kettle in Knox, tomorrow, to discuss issues you may be having in your woodland areas. The event will be tomorrow, June 21st, from 7:00-8:30 a.m. CT.
Wakeland and representatives from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Purdue, Consulting, and Industry Foresters will be available for conversation and questions.
Starke County Commissioners Accept Trusteeship to Create a Starke County Forest
The Starke County Commissioners accepted trusteeship of a piece of property offered by professional Forester Bruce Wakeland this week. The County will be the trustee of the property that the Commissioners hope will be come a real asset to all who live here.
“129 acres is available to create a Starke County forest and I hope the public can enjoy it,” said Bruce Wakeland. “The public can learn about the marvelous wildlife area we have here in the County and how you can have good, healthy forest management and still have a beautiful place to see and enjoy. I think it’s going to be a really good asset for the County and I’m going to enjoy working with the property over the next however many years I have left.”