Pulaski County Commissioners Enact Burn Ban

The Pulaski County Commissioners have declared a county-wide burn ban effective now until June 25th.

Pulaski County is at risk of widespread fire hazard because of the ongoing drought conditions. Open burning of any kind using conventional fuel such as wood or other combustible material, with the exception of grills, is prohibited. The burning of debris, such as timber or vegetation and recreational campfires, unless enclosed, is prohibited.

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Starke County Commissioners Discuss Burn Ordinance at Recent Meeting

Starke County Commissioners ( L to R ) Kathy Norem, Dan Bridegroom, Jennifer Davis

When is a burn ban, not a burn ban? According to the Starke County Commissioners, it’s when a local ordinance is updated that would spell out the penalties for violations. Commission President, Dan Bridegroom, said this week that when the burn ordinance was discussed it came out as meaning a “burn-ban” and that is not what the commission wanted to convey to the public.

“I think the biggest misconception right away was the word ‘ban’ was in everything they read,” said Commission President, Dan Bridegroom. “As soon as I would explain to the people that called me and talked to me and stopped me, it’s not a ban, then they were ok. They were ok almost immediately to know that they can still burn their leaves and burn their brush. I guess that part of the blame should fall back on us in that we didn’t get it out, specifically, what we were looking at.”

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Starke County Commissioners to Discuss the Creation of an Open Burn Ban Ordinance

Starke County Commissioners ( L to R ) Kathy Norem, Dan Bridegroom, Jennifer Davis

The Starke County Commissioners are expected to discuss the creation of an open burn ordinance at its meeting tonight.

EMA Director, Ted Bombaghetti, told WKVI that while the County’s burn ban was in effect, information was received that a lot of people were illegally burning garbage, construction materials and tires. The Commissioners want to enact an ordinance  that will ban that type of burning activity and impose fines if the ordinance is violated. The Commissioners feel that a local, county-wide burn ban will help curb that type of burning instead of waiting for action from the State.

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