Town of Hamlet Announces Outdoor Decoration Winners

The town of Hamlet is all decorated for the Christmas holiday and three residential displays were chosen by officials for the outdoor decoration contest.

Clerk-Treasurer Kristina Pitts said the judges returned with their information and found that the decorations at Keith Ham’s residence, at 310 W. Davis Street, as the winning display. Ham’s neighbor, Charles Windbigler, at 308 W. Davis Street, was a close second while Mark Weldon came in third place with his display at 505 E. Oak St.

Ham will receive $100 for his outdoor Christmas display, Windbigler will get $75 and Weldon $50.

Misty Carey’s display at 600 W. Davis St. was named honorable mention.

Town of Hamlet Decoration Contest Dec. 21

The town of Hamlet is holding an outdoor Christmas decoration contest on Saturday, Dec. 21 from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. CT.

During that time, residents with outdoor Christmas displays are urged to light those displays to be part of the contest. Clerk-Treasurer Kristina Pitts told WKVI that residents don’t need to register for the contest; you just need to make sure your outdoor display is in working order during the time of the judging.

The officials will give the address to the clerk-treasurer and she will send a check to the residences for the top three displays. The winner will receive $100, second place will get $75 and third place gets $50.

Hamlet Town Board Discusses Proposed Small Livestock Ordinance

  The Hamlet Town Board conducted a public hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 19th to gather the opinions of residents of a proposed small livestock ordinance.

Clerk-Treasurer Kristina Pitts noted that the proposed ordinance would allow residents in the town limits to house chickens on their property. She stated that several people have been in favor of the ordinance. No complaints were brought forth during the hearing.

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