Purdue Extension of Pulaski County Schedules Poverty Simulation

Purdue Extension LogoLearn what it’s like to live from paycheck to paycheck on a limited income during an upcoming poverty simulation hosted by Purdue Extension Pulaski County. An estimated 13-percent of the population there live at the poverty level. Statewide an estimated 1 in 5 children go hungry on a daily basis. Pulaski County Extension Director Natalie Federer says the program helps people understand the “complexities and frustrations” of living in poverty day to day.” She hopes raising awareness will help to more effectively address poverty issues in the community. The poverty simulation will take place Wednesday, Sept. 30 at 5 p.m. EDT at the Winamac Knights of Columbus. Continue reading

Poverty Simulation Program Scheduled for April 12

Purdue Extension of Pulaski County, in partnership with Community Action Poverty Simulation, will be holding a poverty simulation program on Saturday, April 12. This is geared to place residents in various life-like activities to demonstrate how families living in poverty survive from day to day.

Participants will be assuming the role of a low-income family member living on a limited budget. Four 15-minute sessions will be held and each session will represent one week in which you must provide for your family and maintain your home.

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