The Pulaski County Commissioners plan to quit granting exceptions to the limit on the amount of comp time employees may carry over from year to year. On Monday, they agreed to let an employee in the extension office carry over an extra 10 to 20 hours, so she’ll be able to recover from surgery scheduled for February.
Pulaski County Comp Time Policy May Be Reviewed by Personnel Committee
Updates to Pulaski County’s comp time policy may have to wait until the county’s personnel committee has a chance to review it. The county commissioners have been considering increasing the amount of comp time that can be carried over from year to year from 20 to 40 hours. Part of the reason is to make it easier for employees to use it for needed medical procedures.
Pulaski County Commissioners Plan to Revisit Employee Comp Time Policy
It may soon be easier for Pulaski County employees to use their comp time for needed medical procedures. The issue came up during Monday’s county commissioners meeting. It was learned that an employee in the Assessor’s Office is scheduled to have a knee replacement in January and planned to use 42 hours of comp time that she’d accumulated.