Marshall County Commissioners Sign Metronet Paperwork

 The Marshall County Commissioners signed several documents Monday morning to get the Metronet project closer to the beginning phase.

The interlocal agreement with Marshall County and the City of Plymouth was signed by the commissioners which will go on to the county council to be signed. County Attorney Jim Clevenger explained that a local board will need to be formed to oversee operations. A commissioner, city council member, county council member, and a representative from the private sector will need to be appointed to this board.

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Metronet Bids Approved by Marshall County Commissioners and Plymouth Redevelopment Commission


The Marshall County Commissioners approved a bid for the county’s portion of the Metronet project and the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission approved a bid for the city’s portion of the project.

The commissioners approved a bid from CSU, Inc. for Alternate A at a cost of$598,221.99. The county’s portion of the project includes general work for the infrastructure and conduit.

The city selected the base bid and alternates A, B, C, and D with Michiana Contracting.

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