Culver Community Schools Superintendent Karen Shuman said that when school board members met earlier this week, they discussed opportunities which are currently being offered to students and different ways they could provide more to the community. Continue reading
Culver School Board to Consider Proceeding with Teacher Cuts
Teacher cuts will be considered during tonight’s Culver School Board meeting. Last month, the board formally declared the need to cut up to four certificated teaching positions. The resolution cited a $250,000 reduction in General Fund support from the state for this year and the need for the corporation to cut $440,000 from its budget. Continue reading
Culver Schools to Remove Assistant Principal Position
The Culver Community Schools Corporation is removing an administrative position at the end of the school year to deal with a budget shortfall in the corporation’s General Fund. Continue reading
Culver Community Middle School Students Want Trip to Kings Island
The Culver Community Middle School recently raised money to help the 8th grade students go on an end of the year field trip to Kings Island. Both 7th and 8th grade students from the middle school participated in a Nov. 21 lock-in with games and food. Continue reading