Balanced Calendar Public Meetings Set This Week

More informational sessions on a balanced calendar are set for this week.

Community meetings are set for Tuesday, March 11 at 7 p.m. ET at the Walkerton Elementary School; Wednesday, March 12 at 6 p.m. CT at the Oregon-Davis Board Room; Wednesday, March 12 at 7 p.m. ET at the Culver High School; March 13 at 6 p.m. ET at the Argos Administration Building; and March 13 at 7 p.m. ET at the John Glenn High School.

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Schools Send Waiver to State to Forgive Monday and Tuesday as Missed Days

The state will forgive missed days of school on Monday and Tuesday if a waiver is filed with the Indiana Department of Education.

West Central Schools Superintendent Charles Mellon stated that he has filed the proper paperwork to have Monday and Tuesday forgiven as no school was in session either day. He also included an attachment of a notice sent by Pulaski County officials stating that the county was under a condition on Wednesday where emergency vehicles were the only approved vehicles to be on the roadways.

Mellon hopes that the school’s built in snow days will not need to utilized and the state will approve all three days.

Culver Community Schools will use Monday, Jan. 20 as a make up day for the cancellation of school on Wednesday, Jan. 8.

Students Gearing Up to Head Back to School This Week


It’s back to school week throughout the Kankakee Valley and many children are doing their best to enjoy these last few days of freedom from teachers, homework and classes. Registration is behind them, they’ve got their shots and it’s time to begin the new school year.

At Knox Community Schools, students will be heading to the classrooms for their first day back today. Elementary students begin their day at 7:50 a.m. and leave at 2:50 p.m.; middle school students start at 7:35 a.m., leaving at 2:40 p.m.; and high school students begin at 8 a.m. and leave at 2:55 p.m. Students will be dismissed a half-hour early every Friday.

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Culver Schools to Participate in Summer Food Service Program

Culver Community Schools have announced that they will be participating in the Summer Food Service Program, providing free meals to children 18 years of age and under and to adults enrolled in a state-approved educational program for the mentally or physically disabled. The program was created to serve nutritious meals to children when the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program meals are not available.

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Former Culver Principal, Superintendent Passed Away

William Mills

Longtime Culver educator, 77-year-old William F. “Bill” Mills II, passed away Tuesday, Oct. 16.

From 1971 to 1995, Mills served in the capacity of the elementary principal, junior high principal, and superintendent of the Culver Community School Corporation. Mills’ family said that he loved the school, students and staff. He was always visible to the people in the community.

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School Starts Tomorrow For Many Schools, Back to School Night Tonight

School starts this week for our students!

Several back-to-school events are happening tonight. Back to School Night for all Knox Community Schools will be tonight from 4–6 p.m. The Elementary School has a different schedule for all grades. Parents can refer to the school registration page for Knox schools on our website at for specific details. The first day of school is tomorrow!

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Culver School Board Hires Several Teachers

Culver Community School Board
Culver Community School Board Members (from left, clockwise): Jack Jones, Ryan Seiber, Marilyn Swanson, Brad Schuldt, Eugene Baker, Jim Wentzel, Ed Behnke, Ken VanDePutte

The Culver School Board last week approved several new hires at the elementary school and high school. Superintendent Brad Schuldt says Erin Proskey has been hired as the new elementary school assistant principal. Proskey previously taught at Knox, but comes to Culver after holding an assistant principal position at Tippecanoe Valley.

A new social studies and special education teacher has also been hired. Gina Hierlmeier will fill both teaching positions and will also serve as the girls’ varsity basketball coach. Christina Wright has also been given a position at the school as English teacher, and Jeff Allen will be the new assistant technology director.

The board also adopted the elementary and middle schools’ new handbooks, and Schuldt says that while there are a number of modifications, not many of them are major. He says the new handbook is available at their website at The board also approved the upcoming school year’s lunch prices. Schuldt says lunch will cost $2.55 at the middle and high schools, and the cost for lunch at the elementary school will be $2.45.

Three Area Schools to Participate in USDA Summer Food Program

The Knox and Oregon-Davis Schools have announced that they will be participating in the USDA Summer Food Program, and now Culver Community Schools will also offer free breakfast and lunch to any child age 18 and younger.

This is the third year that the school will be offering this program and six sites will be offering free food. For a list of the locations, click here. Culver High School will be offering breakfast from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. ET from June 4 through the 29 and from July 9 to July 16 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Breakfast and lunch will be served at the Culver Elementary School from June 4 to August 10. Breakfast is from 7:45-8:30 a.m. and lunch is from noon to 12:30 p.m. ET.

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Culver Sixth Graders Prepare Soup for the Soul Event

Sixth graders in Culver have been busy preparing for the annual Soup for the Soul event that will be held tomorrow from 5:00-8:00 p.m. ET at the school cafeteria.

“The kids start making bowls in August,” said sixth grade teacher, Missy Trent. “Culver restaurants donate soup and we sell the bowls. You then get all of the soup you can eat, plus bread and drink for $5.00.”

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Culver Superintendent Comments on Deannexation Petition

Culver Community School Superintendent, Brad Schuldt

With the recent petition in Tippecanoe Township to deannex from Culver Community Schools Corporation and reannex into the Eastern Pulaski School Corporation gaining support, Culver schools find themselves in a tough spot. Because funds follow the students, a loss of students because of the deannexation could hurt Culver’s already tight budget.

The petition is still being circulated and has not yet been presented to the Culver School Board. The board will have to approve it in order for the process to continue; however, approving it could mean the loss of many students and a large chunk of federal dollars.

Superintendent Brad Schuldt says that though the board has not yet officially seen or heard anything, they will handle it when the time comes.

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Monterey Elementary School Closes

It was a sad day in Monterey yesterday as the elementary school closed for the last time. In a building that had students enrolled since 1934, there were hugs and tears on that final day.

“We had an awards program this morning and prior to that, we had a photographer come and he took a picture of all the staff and students out in front of the building,” said Principal Julie Berndt of the last day. “At the end of the program, we surprised the kids by loading them up in school buses and the fire department led us through town with the sirens screaming. We took two laps around town and the kids really enjoyed it as well as the staff.” Continue reading

From the WKVI Archives: Culver Community Schools Construction Project

Dr. Suellen Reed (second from L) visited the schools to kick of the construction projects in 2001. Also pictured: Superintendent Brad Schuldt (L), Mrs. Bonine (R) and Chuck Kitchell. Picture by Gloria Reed for the newspaper

What a difference 10 years makes. On May 15th, 2001, Dr. Suellen Reed kicked off the construction of three schools in the Culver Community District. Sod was turned at Culver Community Junior-Senior. High School to mark the beginning of construction. In the $18 million dollar project, Monterey Elementary was remodeled, 16 classrooms were added to Culver Elementary and classrooms and a gymnasium were added at Culver Community Junior-Senior High School.

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