The Town of Culver wants to hear from residents about the future of the park. They’ve scheduled a public hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 6 p.m. EST at the Train Depot at 615 E. Lake Shore Drive. The park has been at the center of considerable controversy of late after the firing of the superintendent and activities director. There’s also been quite a bit of debate about the makeup of the park board and whether a seventh member should be added.
Utility Customers Reminded to Leave Water Running
Communities throughout the WKVI listening area are experiencing problems with frozen pipes due to the deeply frozen ground and thick snow cover. The best way to avoid frozen pipes is to open a faucet to trickle water and leave it open until further notice. The towns of Knox, North Judson, Halmet, Winamac, Medaryville and Culver have all asked us to share that information with listeners. Even though the weather is expected to warm up within the next week, it’s going to take time for the ground to thaw. Please leave water running until further notice. Many communities have agreed to adjust bills so customers will not have to pay for the increased consumption. Customers need to contact their municipal utility company or town hall to request those adjustments.
Marshall County Council Approves New Holder for CMA Bonds
The Marshall County Council members approved an ordinance in order for Culver Military Academy to sell bonds to a trust company.
An attorney representing CMA appeared before the council and explained that in 2000, CMA took out economic development bonds in the amount of $25 million to construct a math/science building, a dormitory and library on the campus.
Town of Culver Awarded Safe Routes to School Funds
The town of Culver was recently awarded funds from the Federal Highway Administration through the Transportation Alternatives Program for a Safe Route to School project, aimed at increasing the opportunities for travel by walking for children and citizens of Culver.
The project looks to provide a safe route to schools, both private and public businesses, and the town park. Town Manager Dave Schoeff explained the money will go toward improving sidewalks and crosswalks in the town.
Parking Restricted During Snow Emergencies
As the snow continues to fall on the Kankakee Valley, a number of municipalities have declared snow emergencies and put into place parking restrictions to help facilitate the clearing of snow. Until noon ET on Friday, the town of Winamac has restricted parking, allowing parking only on odd-numbered streets in order to give snow removal crews the room they need to work.
Culver EMS to Continue Serving Monterey
The town of Monterey in Pulaski County will continue being served by Culver EMS after the county commissioners this week decided to stay with the agreement in place with Culver EMS that renews annually. Brandon Cooper with Culver EMS approached the commissioners and explained that the contract between his department and the county had lapsed, and he proposed a three-year contract at $6000 per year to ensure they keep the same rate.
Culver Park Board Terminates Superintendent
The Culver Park Board earlier this month voted to end the tenure of park superintendent Kelly Young after park board president Tammy Shaffer said she had learned that Young was uncomfortable with the park board and the “current work environment,” according to the Culver Citizen.
Culver Plan Commission to Hold Public Hearing
The Culver Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 6:30 p.m. ET to revise portions of the Culver Zoning Ordinance.
Among the items to be discussed include carports, sign regulations and Wind Energy Conversion Systems. Large commercial wind farms are not permitted in any district of Culver’s zoning jurisdiction. The Culver Plan Commission is vested with the authority to review, approve, and disapprove applications for Small Wind Systems, including a sketch, preliminary plans and final plans.
These are revisions that will be discussed for action at a future meeting of the Culver Plan Commission.
The public hearing will be held in the Culver Town Hall.
Culver Park Board Dissolves Park Activities Director Position; Advertises for New Superintendent
The Culver Park Board held a special meeting on Dec. 20 and according to a published article in the Culver Citizen, the park activities director position was eliminated.
It was suggested that the Donna McKee’s contract be reviewed to see when the contract ends as she was hired as the park activities director in January. Board member Patty Stallings stated that when a new park superintendent is hired, park activities planning would be absorbed by that department head.
Culver Fire Department Honor Wall In Need of Bricks
To honor those who serve and those who have served the Culver-Union Township Fire Department, the department is erecting an Honor Wall located on the corner of Lake Shore Drive and State Street. The wall aims to honor local firefighters but it needs the community’s support in order to have the bricks made to honor each firefighter.
Bricks for active and former firefighters can be purchased by individuals but are limited to one brick per active member or honoree. In addition, the department has established a number of criteria that must be met.
Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight
The Culver Town Council will meet for their regular council meeting today to discuss a number of agenda items, including reports from the EMS, fire, police, park and utilities departments, as well as reports from boards and commissions like the park board, plan commission, board of zoning appeals, redevelopment commission and tree commission.
Sleeping Restaurant Patron Arrested on Firearm Charge, Theft Charges Pending
A suspect in several Culver area thefts is jailed in Marshall County after apparently picking a bad place to take a nap. An officer from the Marshall County Police Department reportedly found Russell A. Prosser sleeping in a car in the Lapaz McDonald’s parking lot around 4:30 Monday morning. The car matched the description of one that was part of several thefts and a foot chase in Culver on Sunday, according to the arrest report. A rifle and several items believed to have been part of the theft and subsequent chase in Culver were reportedly visible through the car window. Prosser is prohibited from possessing a firearm due to several prior serious felony convictions. He was arrested on a charge of unlawful possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon. Officers obtained a search warrant for Prosser’s car and reportedly found several items that had apparently been stolen the previous evening in Culver. Additional charges are pending.
Culver School Board Approves Use of Monterey Elementary For Church Services
The former Monterey Elementary School will soon be made use of, as the Culver Community School Board this week approved a request from a local church to use the building temporarily while their main house of worship is undergoing renovations.
The church requested permission to use a portion of the building to hold services on the weekends through the month of April, but there was some concern noted that by allowing St. Anne’s Catholic Church to use the facility, the board is opening itself up to other requests of this nature by other organizations.
Board member Marilyn Swanson made a motion to approve the request and it passed unanimously.
Vicki McGuire to Replace Superintendent at Culver Community
The Culver Community School Board last night approved the contract for the new superintendent who will be replacing Superintendent Brad Schuldt at the corporation. Vicki McGuire will begin her term on Jan. 2 after the board approved the new contract unanimously.
Culver School Board May Announce New Superintendent Today
The Culver Community School Board is scheduled to consider the contract for the corporation’s new superintendent to replace Brad Schuldt, who has announced he will be leaving the corporation at the end of the year. Board President Ryan Sieber explained that the board has gone through the application and interview processes, and held a public input meeting on Nov. 18 regarding the contract that has been offered and publicized.
Real Services in Culver to Offer Thanksgiving Meal
Real Services in Culver is offering a Thanksgiving meal to those aged 60 and older who may not have a place to go for the holiday.
Site Director Cecelia Moroni said the dinner will be on Tuesday, Nov. 26 at the site at the Culver Beach Lodge beginning at Noon ET. Turkey will be served along with mashed sweet potatoes, corn bread stuffing, green bean almondine, cranberries and pumpkin pie.
Culver-Union Township Fire Department Accepting Bricks for Honor Wall
The Culver-Union Township Fire Department is now accepting community-purchased bricks to honor local firefighters. These bricks will be included on the fire department’s honor wall at the corner of Lake Shore Drive and State Street.
The bricks are for active and former firefighters, according to an article in the Culver Citizen. One brick can be purchased per active member or former member.
Culver BPA Students Gearing Up for First Fundraisers
Forty-five students at Culver Community High School are getting ready for this year’s Business Professionals of America district competition, and according to BPA Advisor Gene Baker, this year’s membership is the highest he’s seen in the three years he’s spent as the school’s BPA advisor. With nine more kids signed up for the organization than last year, Baker said it’s the best turnout the school has seen in a number of years.
Baker explained BPA is a national organization that aims to equip students with the workplace skills they need to succeed through a variety of different events and competitions.
Culver Hardware Store is Under New Management
The Culver Hardware store has new owners.
According to The Culver Citizen, Robert Hollender and Whitney Alvis purchased the business. They noted that they will be splitting the Main Street business into two different spaces and are brainstorming ideas for the rest of the space. A hardware store will not be featured.
Culver Town Council Approves Street Paving Bid
The street paving project for the town of Culver will soon be underway as the town council last week awarded the bid for the project to Phend & Brown, Inc. Councilwoman Sally Ricciardi opened the bids during the meeting and read that E&B Paving, Phend & Brown, and Reith Riley submitted bids for the project.