The Culver School Board will continue formalizing some of the plans for the sale of the Monterey School Building, when it meets this evening. Last month, board members decided to accept bids for the property, thought to be worth about $54,500. Continue reading
Culver Schools Joins Other Corporations to Boost Support for Small Schools
The Culver Community Schools Corporation is the latest local school district to join an effort that aims to boost Indiana’s smaller schools. On Monday, the school board added its approval to a resolution calling on state officials to increase financial support for small, rural school corporations. Continue reading
Culver School Board Chooses Sale Method for Monterey Building
The Monterey School Building is finally ready to be sold. Culver Schools Interim Superintendent Chuck Kitchell says the school board voted Monday to seek bids from interested buyers. Continue reading
Culver School Board Reverses Administrative Cut, Delays Naming Permanent Superintendent
The Culver Community Schools Corporation has changed its plans for administrative cuts, due to some recent resignations. Last December, the school corporation recommended cutting two administrative positions, as well as some teaching jobs, as a cost-saving measure. The school board moved ahead with that process earlier this year, voting not to renew the contract of Assistant Principal/Title 1 Director Julie Berndt. Continue reading
Culver School Board Approves Agreement with Town
The Culver School Board has signed on to a partnership between the the school corporation and the Town of Culver, in an effort to reduce costs and share resources. Town and school officials have been working for the past few months on an intergovernmental agreement. Continue reading
Culver School Board Gets Update on Safety Improvements
The Culver Community Schools corporation is looking at upgrades that will increase school safety while also reducing disruptions for students and teachers. Continue reading
Culver School Board Approves Policies for 2016-2017
The Culver Community Schools Corporation is busy preparing for the upcoming school year. Interim Superintendent Chuck Kitchell told the school board Monday that one of the changes in 2016-2017 is the official consolidation of the middle and high schools into one facility. Continue reading
Culver School Board to Consider Policies for Upcoming School Year
The Culver School Board will consider a few policies for the 2016-2017 school year when they meet this evening. Board members are expected to discuss textbook adoption, book rental fees, and breakfast and lunch prices for the upcoming school year, as well as school handbooks. Continue reading
Culver Exchange Students Discuss Experiences with School Board
The Culver School Board got a look at the corporation from a different perspective this week. Culver Community High School’s three foreign exchange students had the chance to discuss their impressions of the school. Continue reading
Stellar Communities Application Gets Support from Culver Schools
The Culver Community Schools Corporation is voicing its support for the town’s Stellar Communities application. Continue reading
Culver School Board Combines Middle and High Schools Under Single Name
The Culver Community Schools Corporation continues taking steps to further consolidate its middle and high schools. Interim Superintendent Chuck Kitchell asked the school board Monday to take action to give the facility a single name. Continue reading
Culver Schools Cuts Two Teaching Positions
The Culver School Board has decided to remove two teaching positions at the end of this school year. Board members voted Monday not to renew the contracts of Middle/High School teacher Amanda Hoag and Middle School teacher Susan Mattix. Continue reading
Culver School Board to Consider Proceeding with Teacher Cuts
Teacher cuts will be considered during tonight’s Culver School Board meeting. Last month, the board formally declared the need to cut up to four certificated teaching positions. The resolution cited a $250,000 reduction in General Fund support from the state for this year and the need for the corporation to cut $440,000 from its budget. Continue reading
Culver Schools to Receive Share of Income Tax Fund Distribution
The Culver Community Schools Corporation will boost some of its cash reserves, thanks to a special distribution of funds from the state. Interim Superintendent Chuck Kitchell told the school board Monday that the corporation’s getting about $47,000, which will be placed in its Rainy Day Fund. Continue reading
Community Support Boosts Culver Schools Marketing Effort
The Culver Community Schools Corporation’s marketing efforts continue to get help from the local community. Shelly Schrimsher, a volunteer with the corporation’s marketing team, told the school board Monday that banners with the corporation’s new logo will be going up around town later this month, she said that she wants to learn how to make money in affiliate marketing, so she’s going to start right away. Many companies consult with Marketix marketing company about improving their strategy for more exposure online. Continue reading
Culver School Board Approves Summer School Plans
The Culver School Board Monday approved plans for this year’s summer school classes. Students in sixth through eighth grades who need extra help in Math or English/Language Arts will be able to attend classes for four hours each morning from June 7 until June 17. Continue reading
Culver School Board Gets Update on Administration Building Costs
The Culver Community Schools Corporation may be keeping its school administration building for the foreseeable future. Treasurer Casey Howard told the school board Monday that the corporation would save about $17,900 by moving its administrative offices out of their current stand-alone building and into the Middle/High School. Continue reading
Culver School Board to Get Update on School Administration Building
The Culver School Board will get an update tonight on how much it would cost to move the corporation’s administrative offices out of their current stand-alone building. It’s been estimated that the corporation could save $50,000 a year by moving the offices into the Middle/High School. Continue reading
Culver School Board to Meet This Evening
The Culver School Board will meet in regular session this evening. No discussion or action items were listed on the advance agenda at the time it was released last week. Continue reading
Transportation Plans Finalized as Culver Intercession Begins
Students at Culver Community Schools who are struggling with certain classes are getting help this week. The spring intercession period is now underway at many schools in the area, including Culver Community Schools. Continue reading