North Judson officials took a major step forward with their website creation process this week by securing viable domain names. Officials have been brainstorming about potential names to give the Town’s website. Those options were provided to Datacrates, the company the Town is working with on this project. Continue reading
North Judson Trash Pick-up Rescheduling Causes Influx of Calls
Due to the Labor Day holiday, North Judson recycling and trash pick-up has been rescheduled to today. Clerk-Treasurer Alicia Collins said she was receiving many calls concerning that matter over the last few days. The fact that Collins was able to take all of those calls shows that the recently installed phone system is working efficiently. Continue reading
Updates to North Judson’s Phone System are Complete
As of today, the updated phone system for the Town of North Judson will be up and running. The fire department was the final number scheduled to be added to the directory and it will be accessible today. Clerk-Treasurer Alicia Collins said this switch will not only save money, but it will also save her and other department heads a lot of time, while also making it easier for citizens to contact specific departments. Continue reading
North Judson Town Council Approves Phone Upgrades, Discusses Website Plans
The Town of North Judson is looking to save some money by upgrading its phone system. Last week, the town council approved a proposal from IT company Datacrates to install an Internet-based phone system.
Hamlet Council Approves Software Repairs, Additional Part-Time Officer for Police Department
As Hamlet’s new town marshal settles into his role, one of his first steps is to get the department’s technology working properly. Continue reading