The Pulaski County Community Foundation has announced the recipient of their full-tuition, four-year Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship for 2013. David Putt, a Pulaski County student, will receive full tuition to his choice of Indiana college as well as a $900 yearly stipend for required books and equipment.
The son of Michael and Donna Putt from Francesville, Putt will graduate from West Central High School in June. Putt has been very involved in school activities such as Fellowship of Christian Athletes, FFA, Student Council, Business Professionals of America, Band, and Drama, and has enjoyed working as a farmhand assistant and volunteering at church, park clean-ups, landscaping projects, food pantries, and singing at the local nursing home. He has also received several honors and awards including the George Eastman Young Leaders award, the Mathematics Outstanding Achievement for Excellence award, and three Highest Class GPA awards.