Culver Community Schools’ Band Program Receives Generous Monetary Donation

The Culver Community Schools’ Band program will receive four years of financial assistance thanks to a generous donation from a local family who wishes to remain anonymous. The family agreed to provide $10,000 to the band this year and an additional $5,000 annually for the next three years.

Culver Community School Band Director Jason Crittendon explained that the money will be utilized for various things that will assist the students significantly such as instrument repairs that have been needed for some time but funds haven’t been available until now and new instruments that the school doesn’t currently own. Continue reading

American Heart Association Seeks Donations for the Little Hats, Big Hearts Program

Can you knit or crochet? Your skills are needed to help the American Heart Association with their Little Hats, Big Hearts program.

Now through December 31st the AHA is collecting knitted or crocheted red baby hats to distribute in Indiana hospitals in the month of February, American Heart Month. The program is meant to raise awareness of heart disease, the number one killer of Americans and congenital heart defects, the most common birth defect in the country.

They are seeking hats for newborns and preemies made of red yarn that is either cotton or acrylic, medium to heavy weight that can be machine washed and dried. Don’t worry if you’re not the knitting or crocheting type, yarn can also be donated to the cause. Continue reading

This November WorkOne is Hosting a Kids Coat Drive in Starke and Pulaski Counties

WorkOne in Pulaski County and Starke County are working together to host a kids’ coat drive this month. Their goal is to assist local children who may not have the proper apparel for the approaching winter months.

Youth Business Engagement Specialist Kathi Holem said this is the first year that WorkOne has held a coat drive. She said that although they will mainly be collecting coats for small children, they are open to donations of other kids’ winter wear as well. Continue reading

Eastern Pulaski Community School Board Approves Donation From Gibraltar Design

The Eastern Pulaski School Board scholarship fund got a little bit bigger Monday night after the board approved a donation from Gibraltar Design.

Superintendent Dan Foster explained that in the past, Gibraltar had thanked the school corporation for their business by hosting a dinner or another social function of some kind. However, this year, rather than trying to coordinate with varying schedules the company decided to show their appreciation by sending a $250 donation.

Superintendent Foster said the money will go toward the annual school board scholarship which would bring it up to approximately $10,000.