Avoid Giving Live Animals as Easter Gifts

baby chicksIf you insist on giving baby bunnies, chicks and ducks as Easter gifts, stick to stuffed animals. Starke County Humane Society Director Shanna Lloyd says while live pets are cute, they are also a lot of work.

“These are farm animals, and the chances of them doing well and thriving outside of a farm environment are not good. Most chicks and ducklings and bunnies that are purchased, for example at pet stores or at farm stores and given as gifts, do not survive to see their first birthday.” Continue reading

Choose a Different Easter Present Than Live Pet


You may think that it’s a great idea to give the gift of a chick, duckling or bunny to someone for Easter, but Suzanne Crider from the Starke County Humane Society suggests a different approach.

“We always encourage people, even at Christmas, if you’re talking about giving the gift of a pet, to talk to the people. Maybe give them the money, a gift certificate or a gift certificate to their vet to help pay for some of their vet bills. You’re better off to do that type of thing than you are to give live pets,” stated Crider.

Crider always cautions giving pets as presents as the owners may not be ready for a pet. Talk with the family and possibly take them to the Humane Society to choose their own family pet.