The Eastern Pulaski Community School Corporation is making the final preparations for the 2019 budget year. Last week, the school board officially readopted the 2019 Operations Fund budget, after Superintendent Dan Foster said an error was found in the fund’s adopted tax levy.
Eastern Pulaski School Board to Consider Strategic Plan, 2019 Legal Representation Agreement
A five-year strategic plan will be up for approval during tonight’s Eastern Pulaski School Board meeting. The proposed plan was presented to the school board last month. It includes a mission statement, beliefs, parameters, objectives, and strategies, to help guide the school corporation through 2023.
Eastern Pulaski School Board Adopts 2018 Budget
Eastern Pulaski Community School Board Meets Tonight
The Eastern Pulaski Community School Board will hold a public hearing over the school corporation’s 2018 budget, capital projects plan and bus replacement plan when they meet tonight.
The budget estimate submitted to Gateway Indiana states that the corporation’s general fund is estimated at a little over $9 million, while the rainy day fund has exactly $1 million. The capital projects plan has more than $2 million and the bus replacement plan is estimated at $270,000. Continue reading