Pulaski County Commissioners: Mike McClure, Jerry Locke, Kenny Becker
Cass-Pulaski Community Corrections needs some Pulaski County residents to serve on its advisory board. Pulaski Circuit Court Judge Michael Shurn told the county commissioners last week there are several openings to be filled, in order to reach equal representation from both counties.
The Superintendent at the Eastern Pulaski School Corporation was recently arrested on a charge of Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated.
It has been reported that Dr. Robert Klitzman was pulled over on State Road 29 north of Michigantown after swerving left of center. An officer from the Clinton County Sheriff’s Department reported that Klitzman failed a sobriety test and registered a blood alcohol content of .10%. He was taken to the Clinton County Jail and the Prosecutor has filed a charge of Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated charge against Dr. Klitzman.
North Judson-San Pierre and Oregon-Davis schools will be taking a funding hit in the 2011-2012 school year. Eastern Pulaski School Superintendent, Dr. Robert Klitzman, was asked about the preliminary budget report from the state.
“They [the State] have released the first version of the funding formula and it is very, very unkind to the rural schools and it’s very unkind to those who may lose some student population,” explained Dr. Klitzman. “It has switched now where every single dollar follows the student so if I were to lose ten students, I will lose ten units of funding from the State. In fact, everybody knows that if I lose ten students in the Corporation, I can’t shut off lights, I can’t turn down the heat, I can’t do anything, but yet I’m going to lose all that funding. I really hope they can do some rethinking on that and come up with something that makes a lot more sense.”
Eastern Pulaski School Corporation will be in session today and this week’s calendar has changed.
“We’re going to be in school on Monday, February 21st as that was a built-in snow make up day so we are using it for that,” said Superintendent Dr. Robert Klitzman. “The 25th of February was supposed to be our professional development and reports and records day. We are moving that to Monday, February 28th. Our students will be in school all week, the 21st through the 25th, and then not in school on February 28th.”