Starke County Commissioners Broaden EMS Director Search


The Starke County Commissioners have changed the job criteria for the EMS director in order to expand the potential pool of applicants. Previously the county was only considering paramedics for the position. That has now been expanded to allow EMT’s to also apply for the opening. The job will pay between $38,000 and $45,000 per year, depending on experience, and the EMS director will have use of a county vehicle. Continue reading

Ed Hasnerl Recognized for Years of Service on Hospital Board

IU Health Starke Hospital CEO Linda Satkoski, Ed Hasnerl and Board President Ben Bennett

Ed Hasnerl was recognized for serving 14 years on the IU Health Starke Hospital’s Community Board during a special meeting Monday night. At the same time Hasnerl was receiving his award, the board was welcoming his replacement, Martin Bedrock.

In board business, Ben Bennett was reelected the Board President, Sandy Hansen remains as Vice President, and Dr. Walter Fritz was selected to be the new Secretary taking the place of newly retired member, Ed Hasnerl. Continue reading

Starke County Commissioners Name New EMS Director

Paul Mathewson

A committee set up to select a new EMS Director made their recommendation last night at the Starke County Commissioner’s meeting. Paul Mathewson was selected to take over the duties most recently held by Lisa Burger.  The Commissioners unanimously approved the recommendation.

One qualification that Mathewson had was that he is a professionally trained Paramedic. He has most recently been employed by Porter Hospital in Valparaiso.

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Starke County Commissioners to Name New IT, EMS Director Tonight

Starke County Commissioners ( L to R ) Kathy Norem, Dan Bridegroom, Jennifer Davis

The Starke County Commissioners are expected to name a new IT Director tonight to replace Bob Smith who recently announced that he is leaving the position.

Also on tonight’s agenda is the possible naming of an EMS Director. That position might be a little more difficult to fill because the selection committee has been inundated by applications. Enticed by a $50,000 salary and car, the position has seen applications from far and wide. The committee advertised for a paramedic to take the EMS job, as it’s hoped that the new Director helps in a move from a basic service to Advanced Life Support. One of the goals is to have a paramedic chase vehicle in operation by the first of the year. Several codes have to be approved by the state before the move to ALS service. It’s expected that IU Health Starke Hospital will be the sponsoring hospital.

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Starke County Council Approves Salary, Car for New Paramedic EMS Director

Starke County Commissioner Kathy Norem brought the Starke County Council up to speed on the work of the Advanced Life Support Committee at the Council’s recent meeting. Norem said that the ALS Committee hopes to have a paramedic chase vehicle in operation by the first of the year. She reviewed the time line of codes that have to be approved by the State before they can start. One is that I.U. Health Starke Hospital will agree to be the sponsoring hospital.

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