First it’s the turkey and stuffing at Thanksgiving, then the ham and potatoes at Christmas, not to mention the countless goodies the holidays bring, and before you know it you’ve put on a few extra pounds. Don’t fret, you’re not alone, losing weight is the most popular New Year resolution.
Quit Smoking Classes Starting Soon at Life Plex
A series of classes to quit smoking are planned at the Life Plex in Plymouth. Eight sessions will be provided once a week on Monday evenings starting Oct. 6th at 6 p.m. EDT. The program format encourages people to work on the process of quitting smoking both as individuals and as a group. Continue reading
Fitness-Wellness Program for County Employees Presented to the Starke County Commissioners
Two representatives of the Fitness Forum in Plymouth approached the Starke County Commissioners about instituting a fitness-wellness program for the County’s 125 employees. Corporate Representative, Patty Choquette, and Mary Labuzienski, Clinical Program Director, pointed out that employees who work-out make better employees in the long run. They also described the weight reduction, smoking cessation and healthy living classes the employees could take advantage of.