Purdue Extension and the Department of Natural Resources are teaming up to educate landowners on forestry management techniques.
Drainage Issues Linger with Culvert Construction Behind Schedule
Beavers are not the problem.
That’s according to the manager of the Starke County Forest Bruce Wakeland. He appeared before the County’s Park Board on Tuesday due to additional drainage complaints submitted to the Starke County Surveyor’s office and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
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Funding Search Continues for Possible Starke County Forest Drainage Issues
Issues related to the Starke County Forest may have come to a bit of a standstill in recent weeks.
What was a hotly debated topic regarding potential flooding brought on by beaver activity to property neighboring the Starke County Forest has been left to finding adequate grant funds to attempt a solution.
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Arrowhead Country RC&D Explains Grant Framework for Starke Forest Recommendation
A local conservation agency says they don’t require specialist input prior to delivering on grant fund requests.
The comments come after a recommendation by the Starke County Park Board to seek grants from Arrowhead Country RC&D. If selected, monies would be used to construct a bypass ditch across the south side of the Starke County Forest. The work aims to move water around a decades-old marsh, preventing damage to wildlife in the area.
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Park Board Proposes Drainage Fix with Little Cost
The Starke County Park Board has opted to propose a solution to drainage issues alleged to be caused in the Starke County Forest.
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Park Board To Continue Discussions on Forest, Bass Lake Beach
The Starke County Park Board will pick-up where it left off during a meeting later tonight.
Park Board to Ask for Delay of Additional Forest Study
The Starke County Commissioners will be asked to delay the additional study of land in the Starke County Forest.
Flooding on a neighboring property prompted the County’s Drainage Board to determine beaver activity was the culprit. The beaver dam blocking the culvert was subsequently removed, draining a marsh that has been in the location for decades.
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Surveyor Says Drainage Board Maintains Jurisdiction Over Starke County Forest Issue
The Starke County Surveyor says he will not be responding to a letter asking that a Drainage Board decision be halted for further consideration.
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Starke County Park Board Sends Drainage Board Letter
The Starke County Park Board has now assembled a letter that hopes to influence a change of heart by the County’s Drainage Board.
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Park Board Wants Drainage Decision Halted in Favor of More Information
The Starke County Park Board will be asking to hold-off on a Drainage Board decision until additional information has been gained.
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