West Central School Board Adopts 2016 Budget


The West Central School Board adopted the 2016 budget when they met Thursday evening. Superintendent Don Street says it’s a total of $9.3 million. That includes $400,000 into the rainy day fund and a general fund budget of $6.4 million. West Central’s debt service budget is $797,000, and just over $1 million is allocated for capital projects. The corporation’s transportation budget is $574,000 and bus replacement is about $158,000. Continue reading

West Central School Board Braces for Budget Hit

west central logoThe West Central School Corporation is anticipating a $385,000 reduction in general fund revenues in the coming year. Superintendent Don Street says that’s due to several factors.

“Our enrollment is at currently 818 students. The complexity index that we have talked about before has changed with different laws with the state legislature, and many small, rural schools are being hurt by that complexity index change.” Continue reading

Eastern Pulaski School Board Votes to Change Banks


According to Eastern Pulaski Community Schools’ Superintendent Dan Foster, the corporation has been having some concerns with their primary financial provider for several months now. Issues included inconsistency, unreliability and an abundance of unnecessary fees.

In order to solve the problem, a proposal was composed and sent out to several potential providers. The current institution did not even reply to the proposal. This led Superintendent Foster to address the school board Monday evening and suggest switching their primary financial institution to one of the two places that did respond. Continue reading

Memorial Bench Approved for former Eastern Pulaski Superintendent

harrycordsThe Eastern Pulaski School Corporation campus will soon have a new bench commemorating the memory of former Superintendent Harry Cords. At the school board meeting Monday evening, one item on the agenda was to approve a $750 donation from the Cords family. Thanks to unanimous approval from the board, the donation was accepted and the board discussed where exactly to place the memorial bench. Continue reading