Prices at the Pump Projected to Keep Decreasing


The national average price at the pump is lower at the start of August than it was at the beginning of July. GasBuddy Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan accounts the decreased prices to an overall dip in crude-oil costs. He says the cost of crude-oil has gone down due to the abundance of crude-oil being supplied. Indiana is averaging at $2.47 a gallon, offering lowering prices than our neighboring states of Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. Continue reading

Analyst Explains Gas Price Spike


The lower price of unleaded gasoline has relieved a pinch from consumer pocketbooks, but some retailers have dropped the price too low for a profit margin. Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan said that has caused prices to spike.

“What you’re seeing with the big spike is essentially gas stations losing 20 or 25 cents a gallon and raising their price back up to where they’re making about 15 or 20 cents a gallon. Obviously, you have a 40 cent a gallon difference between a station losing 20 cents and making 20 cents and that’s where these big spikes come from. The good news is that prices are already coming back down,” said DeHaan.

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Gas Prices Continue to Drop


The price of a gallon of unleaded gasoline has been dropping.

Don Good from the Good Oil Company in Winamac says the prices will continue to drop.

“For the foreseeable near future, the trend is to continue down,” said Good. “We’re probably going to bottom out not too far from here. There are a lot of places that are starting to get under three dollars. That’s kind of under cost for some of them, but they’re trying to beat that three dollar mark. For the long term, we should be under three dollars and unless there’s a world event that changes that we’ll probably stay in that range for a while.”

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State Sees Increase in Gas Prices


Fuel prices across the state of Indiana took a large scale hike at the end of last week. The state average price ended up around $3.59 a gallon prompted by a gain in wholesale prices that caused a double digit per gallon increase. Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan says spikes in prices can be predicted ahead of time.

“What we see across Indiana is that prices generally spike like they did last week, every one to two weeks, so it’s quite predictable that these spikes happen,” said DeHaan.

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Gas Prices Should Start to Lower Soon


Gas prices spiked this week but according to Don Good from the Good Oil Company, we should be seeing lower prices for a gallon of gasoline soon.

Good said the recent spike has to do with the continuation of the fuel turnaround.

“Every time this time of the year rolls around they deplete the tanks to meet the new standards and that always creates – I’ll call it a ‘pricey opportunity’ for the speculators to buy product and then sell it at an increased cost so we always have some upward pressure this time when they go into turnaround, commented Good.”

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Gas Prices Still Fluctuating in Indiana

While the national average price for a gallon of gas has been steadily increasing over the last month, having risen from $3.42 to $3.51, the average price per gallon in Indiana has been fluctuating steadily, having last peaked at $3.69 on March 23 after its previous dip to $3.57 on March 21. The average price per gallon in the state is now around $3.65, and according to Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan, these jumps coincide with the time of year when gas prices are most volatile.

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Gas Prices on the Way Down

Gas prices saw the largest monthly decline in September since October of 2012.

The national average price has fallen for 29 days in a row, the longest consecutive decline since April of 2012.

Gas prices in September averaged $3.52 per gallon, which was the lowest national average for the month since 2010 and 31 cents per gallon cheaper than the monthly average a year ago. The AAA Hoosier Motor Club released that refineries have been running smoothly with few problems. Continue reading

Gas Prices on the Rise – But Why?


The average price of gas in Indiana is once again on the rise, having been increasing since Aug. 28, and is now up to $3.70 per gallon – 10 cents more than the national average, which has remained relatively steady. The national average is currently resting around $3.60, down 5 cents since a month ago. According to Gregg Laskoski of, this regional increase can be attributed by rising crude oil prices and, despite common belief, it’s very unlikely that the gas increases in our area are caused by the Labor Day weekend or unrest in the Middle East.

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Rising Gas Prices Prompt Hoosiers to Seek Alternatives in Transportation

The brief respite in gas prices come to a close, having brought prices down to a low average of $3.37 on July 1, and prices are now back on the rise due to unrest in Egypt. The average price of gas in the state is now up to $3.74, and according to Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan, the market is shaky and nervous that violent protests in Egypt could spread throughout other parts of the Middle East.

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Middle East Uprising Fuels Latest Gas Price Spike

 Unrest in Egypt is to blame for rising gas prices, according to Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan, who says the market is nervous violent protests could spread to other parts of the Middle East. He cites Energy Information Administration data that indicates crude oil inventories have dropped by six percent or 20 million barrels in the last two weeks. DeHaan adds higher crude oil prices in July are being passed on to consumers at the pumps. He says many retailers in Indiana have raised regular unleaded to $3.75 a gallon and adds prices may continue to climb next week.

Price of Gas Continues to Fall, But For How Long?


The retail price of gasoline throughout the state of Indiana continues to decline at a rapid pace, having dropped from an average of $4.20 on June 6 to $3.57 on June 25, but how long can we expect these prices to continue to fall? According to Patrick DeHaan, senior petroleum analyst at, prices should continue to drop for a few weeks, but he said with hurricane season approaching, weather could become a problem.

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Drivers Ecstatic to See Gas Prices Declining


Finally, some relief is to be had at the pumps as drivers gas up. The average price in Indiana has fallen from $4.20 on June 6 to $4.08 on Wednesday, a breath of fresh air despite the fact that the state’s average remains 45 cents higher than the national average. Fortunately, according to’s Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan, those prices will keep falling.

“Exxon Mobile’s facility in Joliet, Ill., has come back online and that’s meant a lot of downward pressure on wholesale prices, which will then, in turn, mean a big drop at the pump here in the next week,” said DeHaan.

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Tips to Help you Save Money at the Pump


A lot of changes can happen in a span of eight years. The internet, clothes, hair, social media, the economy and gas prices.

In 2005, WKVI aired a story that dealt with how to get the most out of your car as the price of gas was up to $1.70 a gallon. Fast forward eight years and we’re talking about how to get the most out of your car as the price of gas is over $4.00 a gallon.

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Gas Prices Up Nearly 30 Cents Since Early May


Motorists are still gritting their teeth as they head to the pumps, dealing with a spike in gasoline prices that has brought the Indiana average up to $3.98 per gallon – 35 cents higher than the national average of $3.63. Patrick DeHaan, senior petroleum analyst at, said a refinery glitch that resulted in lower production is likely to blame.

DeHaan explained that the glitch caused the affected refinery in the Great Lakes region to slow its production and forced it to purchase gasoline on the market to cover its contractual obligations.

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