The Pulaski County Commissioners approved the action of interviewing candidates for the position of highway superintendent, but the position is not yet open.
The commissioners were notified that Superintendent Mark Fox may submit his letter of resignation last week, but that letter has not been filed with the Pulaski County Auditor’s office, according to Auditor Shelia Garling.
Things are getting better at the highway department, according to Pulaski County Commission President Larry Brady.
When the commissioners last met in January, Commissioner Bud Krohn, Jr. made a motion to appoint a person as the second person in charge at the highway department and the change was approved by a vote of 2 to 1. Traditionally, the second person in charge is appointed by the superintendent.
The Pulaski County Council approved the purchase of a new truck for the highway department to replace a truck that was wrecked during the winter an additional truck for the department.
Highway Superintendent Mark Fox also presented the council members with a transfer request of $20,724.91 from bridge repairs to Bridge 268, or Haschel Bridge.
The Pulaski County Highway Department crew has been busy working on spring projects. Highway Superintendent Mark Fox said a lot of grading and culvert work has been done.
Commission President Larry Brady asked about the miles of roads that will be paved this summer and Fox said the winter really took a toll on roads this year.
One bridge undergoing some work in Pulaski County will soon be complete, according to Highway Superintendent Mark Fox. Fox approached the county council this week to request a $10,462.68 transfer from the bridge repair fund to the fund specifically for bridge 268, and explained that more partial-depth patch work needed done than had been expected.
The county commissioners awarded a bid for the bridge’s inspection to JCI Bridge Group out of LaPorte, authorizing the company to inspect the bridge and shoreline to ensure there is no runoff or loose dirt that could develop problems. The original bid was in the amount of $176,527.32, and this additional expense was not foreseen.
Fox also informed the council that the decks are now on the bridge and the company is working on expansion joints and guardrails.
The Pulaski County Commissioners on Monday approved a bid for underwater inspections to be performed on Bridge 268 to determine the condition of the structure in the waterway. The commissioners previously opened the bids in August, allowing time for the bids to be reviewed by the highway superintendent.
It’s time again for Pulaski County to prepare for their next round of bridge inspections and Highway Superintendent Mark Fox presented eight proposals for the work at the county commissioners’ meeting Monday night. Fox told the commissioners that it would be idea to make a “scoring team,” a committee to evaluate the proposals and ensure that they are comparing apples to apples and each proposal meets the required specs.