The Sandhill Cranes are back at the Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area. Jim Bergens, the Property Manager, was asked how many of the big birds have migrated to the property so far this season.
“We count on Tuesdays and the last two counts have been in the six to eight thousand range,” said Jim Bergens. “The average peak is 16-20,000 and it occurs in late November, early December.”
Bergens talked about the cranes’ migratory pattern.
“The birds are coming from Wisconsin and going to Central Florida and Jasper-Pulaski is right underneath that route. We just have the right kind of habitat that they like and often times, some of the cranes may spend several weeks here which is why we build up such large numbers. Then they push on south and they winter from Kentucky and Tennessee all the way to Florida.”