Knox City Council Holds Hearing Over Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project

Knox City Council members held a public hearing and considered two resolutions related to the proposed improvement project at the Wastewater Treatment Plant when they met this week.

At the start of Tuesday’s hearing, KIRPC Community Development Planner Emily Albaugh reminded those in attendance that the City of Knox is applying for OCRA’s Wastewater Drinking Water grant. Continue reading

Knox Council Weighs Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Financing Options

Knox Wastewater Treatment PlantThe City of Knox has a few options to pay for upgrades to their aging wastewater treatment plant.

One involves applying for a $600,000 grant from the state Office of Community and Rural Affairs, which requires a $1.3 million local match. The second option is a combination grant and loan from the U.S.D.A. Rural Development program. Engineer Chirag  Patel with Jones Petrie Rafinski told the city council the project must be formally submitted in order to receive consideration for a 45 percent U.S.D.A. grant. Continue reading

Starke County Commissioners Award Bridge Design Bids

starke-county-courthouseThe Starke County Commissioners Monday chose a South Bend-based engineering firm for design work on two bridges slated for construction in the summer of 2015. Jones Petrie Rafinski submitted the lowest price of the four requests for proposals, coming in at $61,000. Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler says they’ve designed several bridges for the county and will be able to realize additional cost savings by continuing that work. The company is now tasked with drawing up plans for a new bridge on 700 North over the Robbins Ditch and on 100 East over the Smith Ditch. Continue reading