Knox Council to Discuss Band Stage at Wythogan Park

Wythogan Park Performance Stage rendering
This rendering indicates the placement and design of the band stage at Wythogan Park.

The next Wythogan Park improvement project is on tonight’s Knox City Council agenda. The Starke County Community Foundation will speak to the council about the performance stage under construction in the park during this evening’s 7 p.m. meeting. The project is on hold until the weather breaks but should be ready for performances by Memorial Day. Continue reading

Estok Updates Knox Council on Blight Elimination Efforts

Marsh Manor on Main Street in Knox was recently torn down with money from the blight elimination grant program.
Marsh Manor on Main Street in Knox was recently torn down with money from the blight elimination grant program.

The City of Knox has successfully taken down eight dilapidated houses through a state blight elimination grant program. Mayor Dennis Estok told the city council Tuesday night two more are slated for demolition next week and should be down by the end of the year. Continue reading

Knox Council Approves 2017 Schedule

CalendarThe Knox City Council approved various schedules for 2017 during Tuesday’s meeting. Next year’s holiday schedule calls for two fewer days off for city employees. Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston said that while Election Day has traditionally been a holiday for the city, the fact that no elections are scheduled next year means employees will be required to work those two days. Continue reading

Knox Plan Commission to Consider Tattoo Parlor Permits

Tattoo artistThe City of Knox ordinance with regard to downtown tattoo parlors will not be amended at this time. Instead the city council, at the recommendation of Mayor Dennis Estok, has opted to refer the matter to the plan commission. He says they can develop a special use permit to allow tattoo parlors, which are essentially prohibited by the restrictive ordinance language currently on the books. Continue reading

Knox City Council Tables Tattoo Parlor Discussion

Tattoo artistKnox City Council members want more information before deciding whether to relax regulations on where tattoo parlors can be located. The current city ordinance, which was adopted in 2009, requires tattoo parlor operators to receive a permit from the city. It further states, “The location shall be at least 500 feet from any property used for school purposes, licensed day care center, church, public park, or a place licensed for the sale of alcoholic beverages.” Continue reading