Teen Arrested on Burglary, Theft Charges


A Knox teen is being held in the Starke County Jail in connection with a Sunday morning  burglary incident.

Officials in the Starke County Dispatch Center fielded a call from a victim in the 7000 South block of 250 West in North Judson. The victim told police that he was outside and saw two men coming out of his garage with arms full of his tools, according to a press release. Chainsaws, a portable welder, hand tools and other power tools were reportedly taken.

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Knox Resident Arrested In Plymouth on Possession Charges


Four individuals were arrested in Marshall County on Thursday, and it took a bit of cooperation through multiple law enforcement agencies to make it happen.

According to a press release from the Indiana State Police, a saturation patrol was being conducted in Marshall County on Thursday of last week. The effort was made due to the areas’ ongoing methamphetamine problem. Multiple traffic stops were conducted in Plymouth and the surrounding areas according to the report.
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Blight Elimination Grant Public Hearing Scheduled


Another public hearing for the Blight Elimination Grant will be held Wednesday, March 18 at 1 p.m. CT at Knox City Hall.

A list of homes included in the grant will be advertised, and a representative from the state will address questions or concerns. An inspection is be conducted in the homes proposed in the grant to determine what can and cannot be recycled from these homes.

Four or five homes were added to the list in case others aren’t accepted.

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Knox City Council Reviews Facility Expenses

Nancy J. Dembowski Community Center
Nancy J. Dembowski Community Center

Knox Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston gave the city council an update on the income and expenses at the girl scout cabin, the Nancy J. Dembowski Community Center and the Gateway property.

The Gateway gathers income from the Starke County Chamber of Commerce, Starke County Tourism Commission, Starke County Economic Development Foundation, and the city. The fund stayed in the black in 2014. The girl scout cabin revenue was less than $100 short of the fund balance.

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State Revenue Sources Fall Short, Wagering Beats Estimates


The state of Indiana has gained a bit of revenue for January compared to the previous year, but fell short of revised estimates.

According to the monthly revenue report from the State Budget Agency, General Fund revenues were $1.3-billion in January. That’s 2.4-percentage points above revenue collected for the same period last year. Those figures are still below estimates for the 2015 fiscal year published in December.
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Contract Approved for Fireworks Celebration

 The Knox City Council approved a contract for the annual Fourth of July Fireworks celebration at the Starke County Airport.

The celebration will be held on Friday, July 3. The contract with Mad Bomber is for $8,000 which is an increase of $200 from last year. The contract in 2013 was $7,500, so the price has steadily increased. The other contract terms are the same as in previous years.

A copy of the city’s insurance and the contractor’s insurance will be provided to the Starke County Aviation Board.

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Knox Residents Asked to Clear Sidewalks of Snow

 It’s important to clear sidewalks of snow for public safety. That’s the opinion of the Knox City Council members after receiving complaints from residents after the last snow storm.

Several council members received complaints of residents having to walk in the street in order to get to their destination. They were especially concerned when they saw citizens walking on U.S. 35 because the sidewalks were not cleared by property owners.

Mayor Rick Chambers said he received complaints about snow piled up on street corners. The street department was sent out to clear sidewalks and corners where private contractors piled the snow too high. Several mailboxes will be repaired by the city. They were knocked down to due to the heavy, wet snow.

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Knox Harvest Festival Committee Meets


A committee will be formed to help plan this year’s Knox Harvest Days Festival.

Knox Mayor Rick Chambers told WKVI News that 13 people attended a planning meeting Wednesday morning at Knox City Hall. They are exploring other dates to hold the festival. One of the possible dates is Sept. 19 and 20. The festival could be held in the downtown area, but no final decisions were made during this meeting.

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Knox City Council Discusses Dumpster Ordinance

Knox City Council
Knox City Council

The Knox City Council held discussion on the dumpster ordinance last night.

Mayor Rick Chambers explained that at the last meeting they discussed allowing dumpsters in the residential districts if certain criteria are met. However, the mayor said he and City Attorney David Matsey looked over the ordinance, and the original intent was not to allow dumpsters in the areas zoned R-1 and on the public right of way. The way the ordinance is amended for the second reading, in order to have a dumpster in R-1 a building permit is needed. A dumpster is allowed in any ten-day period out of a month one time a year for cleaning projects or a roofing project, or appear before the Board of Public Works for a variance.

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Knox City Council to Meet Tonight

Knox City Council
Knox City Council

The Knox City Council members will review another revised dumpster ordinance for approval on the second reading when they meet tonight.

City Attorney David Matsey had slimmed down the ordinance after receiving comments from the Knox Plan Commission members. The ordinance only restricts the use of dumpsters zoned R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 on the public right of way. It also includes a restriction of dumpsters on private property. The revised version that the council will look at tonight will include wording that dumpsters are allowed on private property as long as they are behind the front of the house in a fenced area and they are permitted to be there by a building permit. A dumpster may also be placed on the property for 10 days out of a 30 day period once a year. It was also suggested to include the ordinance bureau guidelines for fines.

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Filing Deadline for Knox Municipal Candidates Passes


The last day to file for the Knox City Municipal Election was Friday at noon in the Starke County Clerk’s Office.

The newest candidates include Democrat Angelo Masuka for city court judge while Democrat Dorine Godinez filed for the at-large seat on the Knox City Council.

Any candidate in the City of Knox election who wishes to withdraw from the ballot can do so today.

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Contractors Register for Sidewalk Replacement Program


Knox officials are looking toward spring. They encourage contractors interested in participating in the city’s Residential/Business Sidewalk Replacement Program to register with the city.

Contractors need to go to the Knox Planning Commission office at 101 West Washington Street between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday until April 10. Proof of insurance must be provided.

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Knox High School Students Top Finishers in JAG Competition


Two Knox High School students were among several students who were recognized as top finishers in the JAG Career Development Conference.

Approximately 110 students from eight schools gathered to compete for a place in the state competition in one of eight skill categories and outstanding senior nominee. The events included career presentation, cover design, creative solutions, critical thinking, employability skills, public speaking, writing skills and financial literacy.

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