Knox City Council Sets Fireworks Date

 The Knox City Council approved a date for the annual fireworks celebration.

Knox Mayor Rick Chambers said he had no phone calls at his office and only seven people responded to the question on WKVI’s Facebook page. According to the informal survey on Facebook, the majority picked Friday, July 3 for the fireworks celebration.

Council member Linda Berndt commented that the residents who visit their homes at Bass Lake in the summertime may not be able to come in for the celebration. Greg Matt commented that it was that reason that caused him to think to hold the celebration on July 4, but the consensus of the council was to have the celebration on July 3.

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Storm Water Plans Presented to Knox Board of Public Works


The Knox Board of Public Works discussed plans for a storm water system for the new addition to the Knox Elementary School.

Andy Bearman from Commonwealth Engineers said that the addition will create an additional one percent rain-water run-off as a portion of the ground covered with grass will be dug up for the project. That soft area was able to absorb the extra water so it wouldn’t create any water build up anywhere on the property.

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Knox Burglary Suspect Taken into Custody

Jason Cooke
Jason Cooke

A man who police say ran from the scene where a meth lab and stolen items were found was taken into custody.

Jason E. Cooke, 35, of Plymouth was located and taken into custody by the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department on Monday, Jan. 26. Cooke was later transported to the Starke County Jail and is being held on preliminary charges of burglary and theft, according to a Knox City Police Department press release.

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Knox City Council Members Table Dumpster Ordinance

Knox City Council
Knox City Council

The Knox City Council members again tabled the second reading of the dumpster ordinance last night.

City Attorney David Matsey was able to pare down the ordinance, so it suits the city and focuses on the residential district. Matsey said the ordinance restricts the use of dumpsters in areas zoned R-1, R-2, R-3, and R-4 on the public right of way. As the discussion went on, the council wanted to go further to include the dumpsters on private property. Mayor Rick Chambers suggested allowing dumpsters on private property as long as they are behind the front of the house in a fenced area and permitted to be there by a building permit. The dumpster may be placed on the property for ten days out of a 30 day period once a year. Discussion also surrounded proper registration by the contractor placing the dumpster on the property.

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Knox Board of Public Works to Meet Today


The Knox Board of Public Works will meet this morning where Building Administrator Bruce Williams will discuss a storm-water runoff issue as part of a new construction project for the Knox Community Elementary School. Williams told WKVI News that a 7,000 square foot addition is proposed at the school.

Street Superintendent Jeff Borg, Water Superintendent Todd Gardner, Wastewater Superintendent Kelly Clemons, and Police Chief Clint Norem will give department reports.

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Knox City Council to Set Fireworks Date, Discuss Dumpster Ordinance

Knox City Council
Knox City Council

The Knox City Council members will be approving a fireworks date when they meet for their regular meeting tonight. When they met on Jan. 13, the council members had concerns holding the fireworks celebration on the Fourth of July as they were afraid of interfering with family gatherings. If the celebration was on July 3, the fireworks celebration would cost the city less money and more people could come through the gate. The matter will be settled tonight.

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Purdue Extension Works To Correct Meth Report Error

Purdue Extension LogoThe numbers may change slightly, but the message is still the same according to Purdue Extension.

A recently issued report ranked Starke County first in the state of Indiana in meth lab seizures. A team of researchers used population data to determine Starke County’s population, but in writing the report transposed the first two numbers – making the county’s population 32, 197 instead of the more accurate 23,197.
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Indiana Failing To Make The Grade On Tobacco Control


The American Lung Association says the state of Indiana needs to do more to enact tobacco control policies.

The “State of Tobacco Control 2015” report evaluates tobacco control policies at the state and federal level. It says Indiana failed to enact any policies that the American Lung Association believes will save lives. That led the state to receive a failing grade in tobacco prevention, taxes, and access to tobacco cessation services.
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Congresswoman Supports Measure Defunding Recent Executive Action

Congresswoman Jackie Walorski
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski

Indiana’s 2nd District Congresswoman is supporting a provision in the Homeland Security Appropriations Act that she hopes will help maintain the separation of powers in Washington.

The 114th Congress was sworn-in earlier this month following the November elections. With Republicans in the majority, Congresswoman Jackie Walorski says she voted to support the legislation – which appropriates funds for the operation of Homeland Security.
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