Gus Ress, owner of Kostas Restaurant in Winamac, said the law took some getting used to but they have adjusted, and the customers have too.
WKVI Saturday Sportsline Live Show on the Road!
![Kostas Sportsline Live Show 1](
WKVI Sportscasters Harold Welter and Nathan Welter took the Saturday Sportsline Live show to Kosta’s Restaurant in Winamac on Nov. 10. Several area coaches were on hand to discuss the upcoming basketball season and a wrap up of the football season. The crew were fed by Gus and the gang at Kosta’s! Who knows where they’ll be next…. Continue reading
WKVI Crew has Lunch at Kostas in Winamac
![WKVI lunch at Kostas](
The WKVI staff took a trip to Winamac, Wednesday, for a scrumptious lunch at Kostas Restaurant. We’d like to thank Gus Ress and his friendly staff for hosting us. It gave the staff a chance to greet restaurant patrons, including Mr. and Mrs. David Bennett, Bill Webb, Sheriff Mike Gayer, and Deputy John Rogers.