Pulaski County is ready to take the next step towards the development of its rail-served Westside industrial park.
State Supreme Court Issues Opinion on Pulaski County Land Dispute
The Indiana Supreme Court has issued an opinion in a case initially filed in Pulaski County.
Indiana Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Pulaski County Land Case
A case involving the ownership of land in Pulaski County was heard Monday before the Indiana Supreme Court.
The case of Bonnell v. Cotner pertains to a land dispute involving a tax sale and a claim of adverse possession. The Pulaski County Circuit Court ruled in favor of Bonnell, but an Appellate court reversed that decision.
Pulaski County Tax Auction Leads to Deed Recommendation
Pulaski County will have to spend a small amount of money in order to provide a deed to the individual buying county-owned land.
Attorney Kevin Tankersley says the property, described only as “railroad property,” was sold at tax auction. Before a deed can be given to the winning bid, however, a legal description is needed to complete the document. Currently the site is missing that description.
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