Museum Director Presents Info to Marshall County Commissioners

Marshall County Museum Director Linda Rippy made a presentation to the commissioners this week about progress at the museum this summer.

She reported that several students served as volunteers over the summer and hopes to extend the invitation for more students get involved during the school year. Rippy explained that several students come from the Plymouth schools but would welcome students from Argos, Bremen, Culver, Laville and Triton schools to come to the museum and volunteer.

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Museum Update Given to Marshall County Commissioners


The Marshall County Library Director Linda Rippy gave the commissioners a report on museum activities.

Rippy stated that the museum is now open on Sundays from 1:00-4:00 p.m. ET and has had a steady stream of visitors. Several area volunteers are assisting with tours and greeting visitors. The Plymouth High School Key Club is also helping with many activities at the museum.

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