Pence Education Agenda Draws Mixed Reviews

North Judson-San Pierre Admin buildingGov. Mike Pence’s education agenda for the upcoming legislative session draws mixed reviews from a local school administrator who is looking to the General Assembly for meaningful reform. North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Lynn Johnson agrees with some of the things the governor is suggesting, such as accountability that takes into account student growth.

The North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation has lost millions of dollars due over the past several years due to a combination of state funding cuts, declining enrollment and unfunded mandates. During a Tuesday night public forum, Johnson said the legislature needs to increase the amount of money it pays corporations per enrolled student. That’s also among the items on Pence’s agenda. Continue reading

North Judson Resident Sentenced to Probation

  Julie Serrano was sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to a felony charge of resisting law enforcement and a misdemeanor charge of battery on a law enforcement officer.

Serrano pleaded guilty to those charges in a plea agreement with the state which Starke Circuit Court Judge Kim Hall accepted. Serrano was sentenced to 24 months in the Indiana Department of Corrections with all of the sentence suspended to be served on probation. She was sentenced to six months in the Starke County Jail on the charge of battery on a law enforcement officer with all of the time suspended to be served on probation. Those sentences will be served consecutively.

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N.J.-S.P. Officials Looking to Legislature for Education Reform

North Judson-San Pierre Admin buildingA combination of declining enrollment, cuts in state funding and unfunded service mandates has North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation officials facing some difficult choices. They’ve already had to cut $800,000 from their budget this school year. Superintendent Lynn Johnson says eight staff members have been notified they will not have jobs after the school year ends. She says the corporation is looking to the Indiana General Assembly for meaningful education reform when the legislature convenes in January. Continue reading

Recount Commission Reaffirms Vote Totals

Starke County IT Director Joe Short, Democrat James A. Henriott and Republican Marilyn Folkers review vote totals in the two races in which challenges were filed.
Starke County IT Director Joe Short, Democrat James A. Henriott and Republican Marilyn Folkers review vote totals in the two races in which challenges were filed.

The three-member commission charged with reviewing vote totals in two close Starke County races found no discrepancies in either contest. The certificate they will file with the Starke County Clerk’s office finds Democrat Pamela Stalbaum beat Republican Don White by two votes in the fourth district county council race. By the numbers, Stalbaum got 707 votes to White’s 705 for the seat currently held by Marvin McLaughlin. Continue reading

Meeting Scheduled Tonight to Discuss N.J.-S.P Future

Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin
Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert
Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin

The North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation is holding a public meeting tonight at the high school auditorium. The Fight for Public Education presentation headlines the evening with what the future at N.J.-S.P. could be. A combination of declining revenue and enrollment over the last several years have resulted in drastic budget cuts. Continue reading

Recount Commission Members to Meet Today


The three-member recount commission appointed last week by Starke Circuit Judge Kim Hall to review the votes cast in two recent General Election contests will meet this morning at the courthouse. They’re looking into the outcome of the fourth district county council race between Democrat Pam Stalbaum and Republican Don White. The Republican Party filed a recount petition on White’s behalf after Stalbaum eked out a two-vote victory in the race to succeed Democrat Marvin McLaughlin. Incumbent Railroad Township Trustee Roger Chaffins, Sr. also filed a petition for a recount after losing to Republican Mandy Thompson by three votes. Continue reading

Pay it Forward on Giving Tuesday


Get into the spirit of the holiday season tomorrow with Giving Tuesday. Starke County Youth Club Executive Director Irene Szakonyi says the local nonprofit has joined the movement.

“It really does inspire people to take action for their local community to give, whether it’s giving a gift of money, of time, of making a donation of another sort,”Szarconyi  said. “We really want to encourage and join what is now actually a global movement to give on Giving Tuesday, which is Dec. 2nd.” Continue reading

Judge Appoints Recount Commission Members


Starke Circuit Judge Kim Hall has appointed a three-member recount commission to review the votes cast in two recent General Election contests. A petition seeking a recount was filed in the fourth district council race on behalf of Republican Don White, who lost to Democrat Pamela Stalbaum by two votes in the race to succeed Marvin McLaughlin. Incumbent Railroad Township Trustee Roger Chaffins, Sr. also filed a petition for a recount after losing to Republican Mandy Thompson by three votes. Continue reading

Voting Machines and Ballots Impounded, Judge Considering Recount Commission Members


The voting machines and ballots from the four Wayne and lone Railroad Township Precincts in the Nov. 4 General Election have been impounded to facilitate recounts in two very close races. Republican Party officials sought a recount on behalf of 4th District Council candidate Don White. He lost to Democrat Pamela Stalbaum by two votes in the race to succeed Marvin McLaughlin. That seat represents Wayne and Railroad Townships.

Incumbent Democrat Railroad Township Trustee Roger Chaffins Sr. has also filed a recount petition in his race. He lost to Republican Mandy Thompson by three votes. Continue reading

N.J-S.P. Board Approves Student and Staff Wellness Policy

Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin
Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert
Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board approved the final reading of the wellness policy on Tuesday evening. It incorporates federal guidelines into the school’s cafeteria food, vending machines and physical activity practices. Superintendent Lynn Johnson says physical activity is an important part of the school day.

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Two Recount Petitions Filed in Starke County


The fate of two contested races in the November General Election is in the hands of the Starke Circuit Court. Starke County Republican Party Chair Brenda Stanojevic filed a recount petition in the 4th District Council seat on behalf of candidate Don White. Democrat Pam Stalbaum edged him by two votes in the contest for the open seat currently held by Marvin McLaughlin. That district is comprised of the four Wayne Township precincts as well as the one in Railroad Township. Incumbent Democrat Railroad Township Trustee Roger Chaffins Sr. is also seeking a recount after losing to Republican Mandy Thompson by three votes.

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North Judson-San Pierre Votes Yes on Balanced Calendar

Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin
Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert
Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin

The North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation is the second in Starke County to adopt the balanced calendar concept. The school board unanimously approved the plan last night. Superintendent Lynn Johnson says until state test dates are released a set calendar cannot be made. She says they are usually released in January or early February. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board to Discuss Balanced Calendar

TCalendarhe North Judson-San Pierre School Board will discuss several items tonight when they meet in the central office at 7 p.m. CT.

The balanced calendar will be discussed. Superintendent Lynn Johnson has previously stated that the calendars need to be similar with Knox and Oregon-Davis to accommodate students in the JESSE and vocational cooperative programs. Corporations normally adopt school calendars by January and the school board could adopt a calendar tonight.

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