Knox, North Judson-San Pierre Schools Ready for New Year

 Summer is almost over for students attending area schools.

Knox Community School Superintendent A.J. Gappa said the staff is nearly ready for the start of school.

“Everybody is trying to get everything ready,” said Gappa. “The building administrators are getting things going. We have some professional development days this week for all of the staff members. New teachers are coming in Friday and all staff members will report on Monday, Aug. 11. We also have back to school night from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in each of the buildings. Parents can come in and meet the teachers and see what the classrooms are like and get going from there.”

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Starke County Commissioners Accept Bridge Bids

Starke County Highway Superintendent Stephen "Rik" Ritzler
Starke County Highway Superintendent Stephen “Rik” Ritzler

Work on two replacement bridges in Starke County will begin as soon as possible. The county commissioners Monday accepted bids from LaPorte Construction Company for the bridge on County Road 800 East over Eagle Creek and the bridge on County Road 900 South over Bogus Run. They submitted the lowest of the two bids for both projects. Continue reading

Starke County Commissioners to Discuss EMS Director Salary

starke-county-courthouseThe Starke County Commissioners will discuss the salary for the new county EMS director when they meet this morning. They’re still searching for a replacement for Paul Matthewson, who resigned from the director’s position July 1. Keith Eimgh is serving as director in an interim position until a permanent replacement is hired. First though the commissioners want to review the salary for the job. Continue reading

Fresh Produce Vouchers Available for Seniors


Free vouchers are now available to area residents 60 years of age and older to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables.

The Northwest Indiana Community Action Agency is working with the Indiana State Health Department in hosting this year’s Senior’s Farmer’s Market Voucher Program. This program provides up to $20 in vouchers for seniors to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmer’s markets and food stands.

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Property Tax Reassessment Under Way in Starke County


Representatives from the Starke County Assessor’s Office are visiting homes throughout the county to conduct the state-mandated cyclical reassessment process. They are required to physically inspect 25 percent of the properties in the county each year to ensure property records contain accurate information. County Assessor Rhonda Milner says this is done to make sure taxpayers receive accurate assessments. Continue reading

Free Cervical and Breast Cancer Screenings Available

healthyThe IU Health La Porte and Starke hospitals’ mobile health clinic is offering free cervical and breast cancer screenings in the area. Screenings are held inside the mobile health unit, which has two private exam rooms.
Screenings will take place in Knox from 8 a.m. until noon, on Aug. 1, in North Judson from 9 a.m. until noon on Aug. 6 and in La Porte from 9 a.m. until Noon on Aug. 17.
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Another Step Forward Campaign Moving Forward


The Moving Starke County Forward organization’s Another Step Forward campaign is rolling right along.

The organization signed up several walkers, runners, bikers and swimmers in May to take part in making Starke County a healthier place to live. So far, 6,000 miles have been recorded. Officials ask that you turn in your steps as often as possible so miles can be added to the total.

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Grain Bin Safety

Indiana Department of LaborSince 1980 grain bins across the U.S have been responsible for more than 180 deaths and 675 injuries. Just last year, a Hoosier farmer in La Porte county was killed in a grain bin accident. This month a 9-year-old Wisconsin boy was killed after falling into a grain bin. With harvest time approaching the Indiana Department of Labor wants to remind everyone of the hazardous nature of working with grain bins and offer some tips to assure safety.

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School Board Candidates Can Now Submit Petitions for General Election


Candidates looking to sign up to run in the November 4th General Election for seats on the Knox Community School Board, Culver Community School Board or the Oregon-Davis School Board can do so now in the Starke County Clerk’s office.

Three seats are open on all of the school boards. Each candidate must file a petition with Starke County Clerk Evelyn Skronski by noon on Aug. 22 to be considered for placement on the ballot.

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Golf Cart Ordinances Regulate Rules of the Road


Riding on golf carts has become a summer activity enjoyed by all outside of the golf course, especially those that live along the shores of Bass Lake and Koontz Lake.

Golf cart operators are advised to remember the rules of the road. Per the county statute, no person may operate a golf cart on any county road unless the posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour or less.

Golf carts are prohibited from operation on state highways. The vehicle cannot be driven on a state highway or across a state highway as cited in state law. Operators must be 16 years of age and older.

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Seven Companies Face Lawsuits for Scamming Homeowners Out of More than $14,000

scamUnfortunately those struggling financially can be the most vulnerable to scams. The federal government as well as Indiana general attorney,Greg Zoeller, took action against schemers who have taken more than $14,000 from unsuspecting homeowners. On Thursday, Zoeller filed lawsuits against seven companies running fraudulent mortgage rescue or relief schemes.

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New Recording Equipment Purchased for North Judson Police Department

Starke County Prosecutor Nicholas Bourff (left), Frank Thomas and Town Marshal Doug Vessely. Photo provided
Starke County Prosecutor Nicholas Bourff (left), Frank Thomas and Town Marshal Doug Vessely. Photo provided

Starke County Prosecutor Nicholas Bourff recently purchased new interviewing equipment for the North Judson Police Department.

The recording equipment was purchased with Pretrial Diversion funds which are used at the discretion of the prosecutor to help local law enforcement.

North Judson Town Marshal Doug Vessely said the equipment was desperately needed and everything is running smoothly.

Starke County Highway Department Chip Seals Record Number of Road Miles

Starke County Highway Superintendent Stephen "Rik" Ritzler
Starke County Highway Superintendent Stephen “Rik” Ritzler

The Starke County Highway Department recently finished chip sealing 47 miles of roadway, which ties 2013 as the most miles of roads done in the last 15 years. They did set a record by completing the work in nine days, compared to 16 last year. They credit good weather and minimal equipment delays with getting the work done quickly and say they have also developed a good system which allows them to be more efficient. Continue reading