The replica log cabin in Winamac will soon have a new owner. Northern Indiana Power from the Past plans to buy the building for a dollar from the Pulaski County Historical Society, which has been looking to divest itself of a few of its underutilized properties. Continue reading
Freight Depot Acquisition Approved by Winamac Park Board
The Winamac Park Board has decided to take ownership of the Pulaski County Historical Society’s freight depot, but not its replica log cabin. The Historical Society offered the park board both buildings, as well as the caboose, in hopes the town could better utilize them. Continue reading
Winamac Park Board Urged to Take Ownership of Log Cabin
As the Winamac Park Board considers whether to take ownership of the freight depot and caboose, one resident is pushing the town to take over the log cabin behind the Pulaski County Public Library, as well. The Pulaski County Historical Society offered all three structures to the town last month, in hopes the town could better utilize them. Continue reading
Winamac Park Board Considers Taking Ownership of Depot, Caboose, Log Cabin
The Pulaski County Historical Society is offering a few of its properties to the Town of Winamac as potential park facilities. Continue reading