The Town of Culver’s partnership with Marshall County for building and planning services officially takes effect today. County Building Commissioner Chuck DeWitt will oversee services for the town as well under an intergovernmental agreement approved last month by the county commissioners. Continue reading
Marshall County Building Permit Numbers Rise
Marshall County Building Inspector Chuck DeWitt had some good news for the county commissioners this week.
March was a good month for permit applications. Twenty-four applications were issued in March which brings the permit count to 61 so far this year. Over $4.6 million in value of construction was noted in March to bring the quarter total to $8.375 million.
Marshall County Building Inspector Proposes Change to Contractor Registration
Marshall County Building Inspector Chuck DeWitt explained that there have been some issues with low bonding amounts for contractors. DeWitt told the commissioners that a contractor made an error in some concrete work and truss work which caused a $30,000 loss to the homeowner to have that work redone. The bond only covered $5,000. Another incident resulted in $19,000 in substandard work after an inspection.
Marshall County Commissioners Receive Update from Building Inspector
Dewitt explained that any permits along with ordinance issues and concerns will now be processed through the Marshall County office. A similar agreement has been reached with Bremen and Argos. Culver has an online process and may approve an agreement in a later setting.
Dewitt also gave his quarterly report and presented the commissioners with a plaque from the Indiana Geographic Information Council. The plaque was awarded to the commissioners for their efforts in utilizing the Geographic Information System, or GIS. The Marshall County Commissioners will now be considered for a national award.
Town of Culver Agrees to Interlocal Agreement with Marshall County
Marshall County Building Inspector Chuck DeWitt gave the county commissioners an update Monday on the interlocal agreement with the town of Culver.
DeWitt told the commissioners that the Culver Town Board approved an agreement in which all building permits and other construction issues can be accessed and filed online. All paperwork will then be processed by his department.