Wind Turbine Issue Blows Back to Marshall County Commissioners


The Marshall County Commissioners will be discussing the original Wind Energy Conversion System ordinance amendments during their regular board meeting this morning at 8:30 a.m. ET.

The amendment asks for the placement of a wind turbine conversion system, or wind farm, 2,640 feet from any parcels zoned L-1 and T-1, which are lakes and town residential areas, and 2,640 feet from a house of a non-participating landowner, park, bank of a river, church, building, school wetlands or airstrips. Essentially, the amendment does not allow a wind energy conversion system farm anywhere in the Marshall County area.

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Contract with Maximus Consulting Approved by Marshall County Commissioners

The Marshall County Commissioners approved a request from Judge Curt Palmer to enter into a contract in order to gather more money for the General Fund.

Palmer requested that the court enter into an agreement with Maximus Consulting in order to help prepare claims and collect child support through the IV-D Child Support Program. Palmer explained to the commissioners that money collected for child support comes in and is divided between the prosecutor’s office, the clerk’s office and the general fund. If they work with Maximus Consulting, it could boost money for the general fund that could amount up to $40,000.

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Museum Update Given to Marshall County Commissioners


The Marshall County Library Director Linda Rippy gave the commissioners a report on museum activities.

Rippy stated that the museum is now open on Sundays from 1:00-4:00 p.m. ET and has had a steady stream of visitors. Several area volunteers are assisting with tours and greeting visitors. The Plymouth High School Key Club is also helping with many activities at the museum.

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Marshall County Officials Prepare for Potential Flooding

Watch for signs like these in the area in the next few days
Watch for signs like these in the area in the next few days

Marshall County Emergency Management Agency Director Clyde Avery and Plymouth Mayor Mark Senter are preparing for potential flooding issues in Marshall County and in Plymouth.

Avery told WKVI that they are preparing to monitor several areas for flooding in low-lying areas, agriculture areas and in residential areas. Avery encourages you to take all precautions necessary for potential flooding, whether that be moving to higher ground or sandbagging. Sand and sand bags are available at the old EMA office north of the highway department.

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Marshall County Commissioners Approve Payment Requests

  The Marshall County Commissioners approved many monetary requests during their meeting this week.

Highway Superintendent Neal Haeck presented the commissioners with three bids he obtained to outfit the truck chassis that were recently purchased. The bids contained specifications for plows, truck beds and hydraulics to be assembled on the chassis. The commissioners approved the low bid submitted by Hoosier Equipment at a cost of $49,969 per truck which comes to a total of $99,938.

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Marshall County Commissioners Approve GIS Data Request

Culver Town Manager, David Schoeff, went before the Marshall County Commissioners Monday morning to request the use of GIS data in the Town of Culver’s compilation of a comprehensive plan.

Houseal-Lavigne of Chicago is working with the town to develop the plan and the data needed includes parcel information. GIS data for the parcels inside town limits and the two-mile jurisdiction are requested along with some county data.

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Marshall County Commissioners to Address Wind Energy Conversion System Ordinance Amendments


Marshall County Attorney Jim Clevenger told the commissioners Monday morning that they will need to address the Marshall County Plan Commission’s recommendations for amendments to the Wind Energy Conversion System ordinance.

During their last meeting, the commissioners unanimously agreed to draft a resolution to present to the plan commission that would prohibit the establishment of a commercial wind energy farm in Marshall County. Clevenger said the proposed amendments must be approved or rejected after a public hearing. The commissioners have a public hearing scheduled for May 6 at 9:00 a.m. in the commissioners room in the County Annex Building.

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Marshall County Council Concerned Over Paying EMA Salary

Following the Marshall County commissioners’ decision in March to pay the entirety of EMA Director Clyde Avery’s salary – roughly $40,000 – county council president Matt Hassel has expressed concerns over some possible side effects of that decision. The commissioners made the decision to cover the full cost of Avery’s salary, rather than allow half of it to be paid for through a FEMA grant, because the requirements for the grant have been steadily increasing over the last few years.

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Marshall County Treasurer’s Office Extends Hours for Tax Collection


The Marshall County Commissioners approved Treasurer Deb VanDeMark’s request to extend hours to accommodate the retrieval of tax payments.

VanDeMark requested that the Marshall County Treasurer’s office be open on May 9 and 10 and on Nov. 8 and 12 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. The county building will remain open on those days so you can make an effort to pay your property taxes on time.

The spring property tax collection day is Friday, May 10 and the fall installment is due on Tuesday, Nov. 12.

Marshall County Commissioners Receive Medical Insurance Update

The Marshall County Commissioners received an update on the county’s insurance plan from Tony Nyers of The Healy Group.

Nyers told the commissioners that the plan performed well in 2012. He noted at there were fewer ER visits, but the rate was higher than the national benchmark. Those who are involved on the county’s insurance plan utilized 72 percent of generic medications which Nyers said is excellent; it’s higher than the national average.

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Marshall County Commissioners Approve Motion Concerning Wind Farms

Although it wasn’t an item on the agenda, the Marshall County Commissioners did approve a motion concerning commercial wind energy farms.

In his report, County Attorney James Clevenger explained to the commissioners that the plan commission reviewed the proposed amendment changes to the ordinance and it came to a vote of 4-4 to approve them. The changes would virtually make it impossible to place a wind turbine farm anywhere in Marshall County.

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Court Services Contract to be Presented to Marshall Co. Commissioners

Marshall County Superior Court 2 Judge Dean Colvin will be asking the county commissioners for their approval on a court services contract this morning.

He recently appeared before the county council to request an increase in the hourly wage for court clerks. The current rate for clerks was between $11.37 and $13.08 and he notified the council members that it makes it difficult to attract well-qualified clerks with pay at that level.

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Marshall County Commissioners Approve Payment to Humane Society

The Marshall County Commissioners approved the payment of $7,000 to the Marshall County Humane Society. The county usually supports the humane society with $40,000 a year and had been behind in payments to the group.

The commissioners discussed the payment system and decided that the cost should be paid in January so the officials can budget their money they way they need to at the beginning of the year.

Auditor Penny Lukenbill urged the commissioners to draw up a contract with the humane society pertaining to the payment system as she can’t find a current contract. There was a contract, but the paper trail can not be accounted for.

The commissioners also approved a motion to pay EMA Director Clyde Avery out of county’s funds instead of having him get his salary through a grant distributed by the state. All three commissioners commented on how well Avery is conducting business out of his office. The state keeps raising the bar on points needed to obtain the grant and the commissioners know how hard he works to make sure the county is in compliance for a variety of issues.

It was unanimously approved to fund Avery’s salary out of the county budget.

Marshall County Commissioners Meet Opposition in WECS Public Hearing


Several dozen people packed the Marshall County Commissioners’ room to hear what would be discussed during the public hearing concerning the amendments proposed for the Wind Energy Conversion System ordinance.

Plan Director Ralph Booker went over the amendments approved by the Marshall County Plan Commission which include the placement of wind turbines throughout the county. A distance of 2,640 feet was approved from any parcels zoned L-1 and T-1, which are lakes and town residential areas and a wind turbine can be placed 2,640 feet from a house of a non-participating landowner, park, bank of a river, church building, school, wetlands or airstrips.

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Marshall County Commissioners Approve Request for GIS Data


The Marshall County Commissioners have approved a request by NIPSCO to acquire information needed for a 100-mile power transmission from Burr Oak to Topeka.

The representatives had asked for the names and address information for communications purposes in moving forward with the project. They reiterated that they want to keep the public informed about the project and how it will affect them in the construction process.

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Marshall County Commissioners Approve Temporary Court Services Director


The Marshall County Commissioners approved the hire of an independent contractor to fill in as director of court services while the current director takes a leave of absence.

Ron Babcock will be covering the Marshall County Community Corrections Department from March 13 through April 13. This is a 24-hour and 7-day-a-week position. The contract approved was for $2,100 to be paid to the contractor. The contract could be extended if more time needs to be filled.

Superior Court 2 Judge Dean Colvin made the request for the help. He also mentioned that the Community Corrections program is working well in the county and more and more offenders are being accepted into the program. Judge Colvin noted that a permanent part-time person may be needed in the future to help with the abundance of people in the program.

Marshall County Commissioners Discuss Highway Purchase

  Marshall County Highway Superintendent Neal Haeck presented the commissioners with a request to purchase two trucks.

Instead of requesting sealed bids, Haeck told commissioners that a representative from the State Board of Accounts said he could request quotes and gather prices rather than go through the bidding process, with the stipulation that the three quotes needed include specs of what the highway department is requesting. He will then bring that information to the commissioners who will then approve a purchase.

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Marshall County Commissioners Discuss Insurance Premiums

  The Marshall County Commissioners received an update on the county’s insurance plan from Mike Miley from Gibson Insurance.

The property and casualty premiums were discussed and Miley suggested that in order to save the county about $10,000, the commissioners approve an increase in the deductible for property insurance. The commissioners approved a motion to increase the deductible from $5,000 to $10,000 to reduce the premium cost.

Miley told the commissioners that the insurance has increased 3.95 percent. Most of the insurance claims have been filed with workman’s compensation and those have decreased since last year. As usual, the most of the claims come from within the Marshall County Highway Department and the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department.