The 40th annual meeting of the Starke County Historical Society, tonight, will feature as guest speaker, author Patrick J. Furlong, whose presentation will be “The rise and fall of the Studebaker Corporation.” Business includes the election of officers and 11 members to the board: one from each township in the county and two at-large members. The Knox schools also name representatives to the Society’s board. Continue reading
Ed Hasnerl Named Starke County Historian
WKVI’s Ed Hasnerl has been officially named as Starke County Historian by the Indiana Historical Society. He replaces Marvin Allen who has moved to Florida. He was nominated by the local historical society last November.
The county historian acts as a contact person for people in the state and around the nation who have questions about county history. The position is a voluntary, working position.
Week in Review for December 13th-17th, 2010
Here is just some of the news that made the news in the Kankakee Valley this week:
Marvin Allen of Knox is this year’s recipient of the Indiana Historical Society’s Hubert Hawkins History Award. The award is made annually to a local historian for his or her distinguished service and career in local history.
Two trees from Hensler Nursery were delivered to the Statehouse this week.
Marvin Allen Wins Hubert Hawkins History Award
Marvin Allen of Knox is this year’s recipient of the Indiana Historical Society’s Hubert Hawkins History Award. The presentation will be made during the Society’s annual Founders Day Dinner at the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center, located at 450 W. Ohio St. in downtown Indianapolis. The Hubert Hawkins History Award is made annually to a local historian for his or her distinguished service and career in local history.