Those with questions about health insurance will have a chance to get them answered at Pulaski Memorial Hospital in Winamac. A representative from nonprofit health insurance company MDwise will be at the hospital on Wednesday to answer questions about the company’s health plans and some of the benefits offered. Continue reading
Healthcare Marketplace Event Scheduled at IU Health Starke Hospital
Individuals facing tax penalties for not having health insurance in 2014 still have a chance to sign up for coverage through the healtcare marketplace. Enrolling between now and April 30 will ensure they avoid additional fees when filing their 2015 taxes. Learn more about that process during a “MDwise Health Benefits Connection” event today at IU Health Starke Hospital. Continue reading
MDWise and IU Health Starke Hospital Schedule Affordable Care Act Forum
Health care industry experts will be available Tuesday, Dec. 10 at IU Health Starke Hospital to answer your questions about the Affordable Care Act. Representatives from the nonprofit health insurance company MDwise will offer a presentation about the health insurance marketplace at 3 p.m. CST in the conference room of the Knox facility. It’s one of several “learn and enroll” events the hospital is putting on to answer questions about the effect of the Affordable Care Act, health insurance options and the consequences of not enrolling in a health plan. Hundreds of thousands of Hoosiers will be eligible for health insurance starting next year, but there’s still quite a bit of confusion about the enrollment process and various health plan options. The session is open to the public, and an RSVP is not required to attend.