Winamac Town Council Considers Adopting Amended Employee Handbook Ordinance

The 2018 employee handbook ordinance was up for adoption at the Winamac Town Council meeting Monday night.

At a meeting in March, council members found some inconsistencies with the document so they decided to send it back to the company New Focus for amendments before considering it for adoption. The inconsistency they discovered was related to grievance procedures. Continue reading

Winamac Town Council Discusses Inconsistencies in Proposed Employee Handbook

The Winamac Town Council members postponed the first reading of their employee handbook ordinance due to some inconsistencies with grievance procedures.

According to Clerk-Treasurer Melanie Berger, the town pays the Indianapolis-based company New Focus a $125 annual maintenance fee to update the employee handbook as laws change. While reviewing the document prior to Monday’s meeting, Councilman Dan Vanaman brought some conflicting information to Berger’s attention. Continue reading