It’s New Year’s Eve and some municipal offices are closing early today and most – if not all – will be closed tomorrow as they ring in the new year. Municipal offices in Knox, Culver, Hamlet and North Judson will hold regular business hours today, but Winamac offices will be closed at 11:30 a.m. ET today.
Starke County Home Detention Participants Will be Closely Monitored this New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Eve is a dangerous time for many people, especially those who decide to party, drink a little too much, and attempt to drive home.
Another group that enters the danger zone are those individuals who are on home detention. Many of this group has had trouble with drugs and alcohol in the past, and holiday times can be tempting to violate the home monitoring rule that calls for no drinking.
Shawn Mattraw is the Case Manager/Senior Field Officer for the Starke County Community Corrections organization, and he says this is a difficult time for some of the participants.